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Cctv And Audio


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We know about the Data Protection Act and Harrassment Act, what can we do about this, as we feel totally intimadated by it before and more so now, as we feel that we can not go into our garden or talk in our own home for fear of being listened too , (the houses are quite near to each other )?

.... also is there anything the police can do on this matter , as we cannot afford a solicitor


You've had some very good advice already, but just to confirm that in your situation, the DPA, RIPA 2000 and the HRA are not really going to help you.

If you feel intimidated by the camera, you can report it to the police and perhaps mention this legislation ...

The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 - http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1997/1997040.htm

If you can demonstrate a deliberate harassment caused by the current position of the camera, they can hopefully compel it's relocation or removal.

With regard to trying any attempt to disable the camera, I personally wouldn't recommend that as it can potentially have serious implications. Growing a screen to block the view (excellent suggestion by arfur mo) and perhaps also putting in a small water feature or wind chimes near to the camera, should somewhat compromise the audio function :whistle:

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its a bit too far for me also im that popular for peoples work to be done i cant take any days off yet. i may have a few days of but knowing the work load at the mo it wont be for 10 years! :lol:


roughly 80 miles (according to TomTom6) and it's a saterday B)



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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you could also aim a noise generator at the camera via a directional narrow cone, this will cover any conversation and drive the operator nutts into the bargain - m&m should do it quit nicely and won't need to be to loud and upset other neighbours. :)



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Hi everyone, i wanted to say a big THANK YOu for all your advice and support : i will try and reply to everyone and answer some, questions that people have asked :

old hand :-well i think that you are right it is sounds like an argos special, the person claims that the cctv is to watch her cats, but she has been there over 5 years and never needed it, and both the ASBO and Police officers told her to point it down, but she has now changed it to have audio capability, and we think that could this now give the Police the reason to get her to move it or take it down,? i dont think she has permission from the police whatsover,

We did contact the Asbo office ,who has referred it to the police and we have also contacted the police again , so we will have to wait to see what happens:-(

Fulltrade:-Thank you for your reply, well we feel it is to intimidate us and bully us , she has done lots of other things too and she was charged with the Breach of the Peace just before Xmas,

There is no need for audio, we feel that she is just trying to harrass us too, we have thought about the torch idea ,but its too cold outisde . Thanks for the link ,but it didnt work , do you have the full web address ? Thanks

CJY electrics, Hi thanks for your reply: the crime rate where we live is very minimal, we are very rural, and that wouldn be the case, or everyone would be getting one, we live in a place where you could leave your front door open, There is no way we can talk to her, as she is totally unreasonable and this camera is after a load of other stuff that has happeend , so that wouldnt be applicable, How can you deal with someone that is like that ?I really wish we could, we were friends to start off with

Ilkie, :- thanks for your reply, we had thought that the Human Rights act might be applicable , we also thought that the Local Authority might be able to help and we are going to contact them .thank you

Arfur mo:- thanks for your reply, we had thought of a screen or a hedge, and as said to to CJT there is no reasoning with this person , it is a neighbour dispute, and it is very upsetting as all we wanted was peace and quiet when we moved here and my health is suffering becuase of all of this . I know we cant afford solicitors, and hope that the police can intervene , as she is constantly harrassing ,walking on our property etc .

aAlarm Guard, thanks for your reply Believe you me it isnt us, we have been subjected to harrassment, racial abuse ,verbal abuse ,intimidation and being stlaked, that is why the Police and the Asbo Officer has been invloved.

Doktorjohn:-Thanks for your reply, We have reported it to the police, It was bad enough when we thought it was just a camera ,we thought we could lock it with a screen, but to know it has audio, is totally intimidating, to feel that we cant tlak in our garden and that someone is spying on us .The water feature sounds like a good idea and wind chimes :-)

Arfur Mo :- Like the idea of that, but i dont think it would go down well

Thank you everyone, for your replies , i hope that something gets resolved .

We are pretty convinced that it has changed from the original camera , as the blue led light isnt on permanently and there is no yellow circle, so hopefully the police will see this as harrassment ,Will keep you all informed :-)

Hiya sorry about the whislting emoticon, i didnt put those, i wanted sad face and smiley face, but they came out like that ,sorry, i dont know what i did, sorry

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hi all

having lived next door to a 'neighbour from hell' i truly inderstand the o/p's viewpoint from experience, you can buy a house but there is no price on on earth for decent neighbours, or the superb one's which i have now. it only takes one to destroy the peace of all.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just an advice if you need to proove that someday a camera was angled incorrectly: you take a magazine from the current day (with the date clearly visible such as a news paper or so), then you take a picture of the scene where you see the camera, some reference (a permanent straight thing such as the roof), and the newspaper.

If then the person pretends the camera was not pointed to your property you can just show the picture. It is not a proof alone but it may help with the police, especially if you find other neighbours who can say the camera was pointed like in the photo that day.

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