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More Tax!


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Much damage has been done which is why so many have left and so many would like to leave....

and still too many want to come in... :fear:

there is only one way oot - russia.. :cry:

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I wonder how many people now complaining about all these stealth taxes voted this set of muppets in.

I didn't, because I could see what they were like........... but I have to suffer just the same.

*ding, I did marketing for years so I think I know bull when I see it.

There's no conjestion around here anyway - its only the SE where it is actually a problem - so the whole thing is smoke and mirrors typical tony blair. What they are really concerned about is the fact that cars with alternative power sources are just a couple of years off now and thats going to hit the excheqer hard with 80% or so of the cost of petrol at the pumps being tax. They will do all they can to prevent people having use of the roads by paying only road fund tax.

Coupled with the fact that they have spent billions in the last few years creating an integrated trafic control system across the UK (removing round abouts and replacing with lights, for example) they now have the capability to create conjestion.

Time for a revolution.

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