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Cctv For Petrol Station


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this is a birds eye view(top view) of petrol station.


these pictures taken by nokia 6680(1.3 mp 4.5 mm 1:3.2)

For first camera





For second camera





Cameras will be set to the roofs

What do i need to view these areas?

Do i need high-resolition camera or infrared or 420 pixel camera?

Which lens i should prefer?

i think i will use ir cameras.please help.

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No offence Sandman, but external cameras in a petrol station requires an accurate survey, I dont think anyone here in their right mind is going to advise you "a member of the public" what cameras and lenses you need for your petrol forecourt.

To install CCTV in a forecourt in the UK requires additional training and certification.

My advice would be to find a CCTV company that has experience of installing CCTV in petrol stations in your area to advise you.

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but nothing to do with forecourts?

You require training before being allowed to work on the forecourt, be aware of the main danger zones, what the dangers are, and hazards that are present.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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