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Smart2 Dvr Help


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Hi All,

I just have a couple of quick questions about my SMART2 DVR that someone may know the answer to.

Firsly, in the motion detection, how do you turn off individual channels. It seems to be all channels or no channels and I cannot just enable it on specified channels. I record continuously but I want to make it that when I detect motion on 2 particular cameras, it increases the quality. I don't want the detection on the other cameras because there is movement nearly all the time so it just stays in high quality mode most of the time and creates loads of events which would be impossible to search through. I have tried decreasing the sensitivity of detection on all the cameras I don't want motion detection on, but it still detects motion most of the time. There is no Enable/Disable function per channel.

Secondly, using the remote control, how do you change the preset number when using a PTZ. I have a PTZ camera that has a number of preset positions. From the remote, I can select 'Goto Preset', but there doesn't seem to be a way to change the preset number so it just goes to the last preset you used. On the main unit, you use the Jog/Shuttle button.

Lastly, how do you use Internet Explorer to remote view the SMART2. I am told ( by SystemQ ) that you can use Internet Explorer rather than the remote view utility, but they never came back to me with the information on how to do it. The remote view utility works fine but Internet Explorer just sits there for a while then gives an error.

Many thanks in advance.

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Firsly, in the motion detection, how do you turn off individual channels. It seems to be all channels or no channels and I cannot just enable it on specified channels.

Yes you enable the facillity on all channels, then goto cameras and set them up as required by selecting the zones on a grid.

If you don't want that camera to detect motion, you don't set up any zones on the grid.

Secondly, using the remote control, how do you change the preset number when using a PTZ.

Dunno, I haven't set up my Dome yet.

Lastly, how do you use Internet Explorer to remote view the SMART2.

Dunno again, but i'll have a go tomorrow evening.



Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Thanks Service Engineer.

So basically for the motion, I just mask out everything for that camera so that motion is not detected. I didn't think of that. Tried everything else. I am used to an enable/disable option.

Yes you enable the facillity on all channels, then goto cameras and set them up as required by selecting the zones on a grid.

If you don't want that camera to detect motion, you don't set up any zones on the grid.

Dunno, I haven't set up my Dome yet.

Dunno again, but i'll have a go tomorrow evening.


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Hi All,

I just have a couple of quick questions about my SMART2 DVR that someone may know the answer to.

Firsly, in the motion detection, how do you turn off individual channels. It seems to be all channels or no channels and I cannot just enable it on specified channels. I record continuously but I want to make it that when I detect motion on 2 particular cameras, it increases the quality. I don't want the detection on the other cameras because there is movement nearly all the time so it just stays in high quality mode most of the time and creates loads of events which would be impossible to search through. I have tried decreasing the sensitivity of detection on all the cameras I don't want motion detection on, but it still detects motion most of the time. There is no Enable/Disable function per channel.

Secondly, using the remote control, how do you change the preset number when using a PTZ. I have a PTZ camera that has a number of preset positions. From the remote, I can select 'Goto Preset', but there doesn't seem to be a way to change the preset number so it just goes to the last preset you used. On the main unit, you use the Jog/Shuttle button.

Lastly, how do you use Internet Explorer to remote view the SMART2. I am told ( by SystemQ ) that you can use Internet Explorer rather than the remote view utility, but they never came back to me with the information on how to do it. The remote view utility works fine but Internet Explorer just sits there for a while then gives an error.

Many thanks in advance.

I do not think the Smart2 has an internal webserver, in fact i am almost sure.

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When I spoke to Paul Goodwin at SystemQ a few weeks ago, he assured me that the Smart2 could be accessed using Internet Explorer. He mentioned that something has to be installed into Internet Explorer for it to work. He was going to get back to me but never did. I emailed him about 2 weeks ago to remind him but have not heard since.

I do not think the Smart2 has an internal webserver, in fact i am almost sure.
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When I spoke to Paul Goodwin at SystemQ a few weeks ago, he assured me that the Smart2 could be accessed using Internet Explorer. He mentioned that something has to be installed into Internet Explorer for it to work. He was going to get back to me but never did. I emailed him about 2 weeks ago to remind him but have not heard since.

Hi Steve.

The reason System Q doesn

System Q Ltd.

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I appreciate very much the help and support and for the files you have sent me which do work pretty well.

The only points I would like to make in regards to your comments above is that at the start I never asked about Internet Explorer directly, you mentioned to me that it was possible after a comment I made about it would be nice. I never contacted SystemQ originaly over the question. My first point of call would normaly be the dealer that I purchased the unit from but it was not the sort of question they would generaly be able to answer. When I did ask you about the Internet Explorer add-in, it was in reply to the email you sent me some time ago.

I can understand that you do not want to sell/support direct to the public for the reasons you mentioned, but as a suggestion, it would help immensley if there was a support section on your website that allowed the general public to download datasheets or firmware updates. Since I have no link to the trade, i am never notified of updates or given information unless I chase it up once in a while. Most manufacturers ( even ones that do not sell direct to the public ) still allow the end user to download upgrades and support documents from their websites ( not just in CCTV equipment ) without having to return to the dealer to ask IF there are any updates available.

I would probably buy a lot more SystemQ products if I new that they even existed in the first place. There is not even an area on your website that gives a list of dealers or even a hint of what products you sell ( Just says DVRs, Cameras etc ). Typing SystemQ in Google produces next to no results except a link to your website where the end user cannot get past the first page.

When I am thinking of buying a product, the first thing I like to do is download a copy of the user manual so I can see exactly what the product is capable of rather than a one page advertising summary. I only stumbled on the DVR365 because of comments on here and wasn't even aware at that point that it was SystemQ that was responsible for it. Even today I can only find one place that sells the DVR365 and that was difficult to find. The DVR365 website gives more information and would be ideal to have a similar one for the Smart2 DVR. It always seems thast if I have question, the only place where I can get some information is a forum such as this one. I have phoned every dealer I can find ( which so far has been 2 ) to find out how I can obtain some additional remote controls or get answers to the questions I raised above. So far no one can help me. Both dealers told me that remote controls are not available as spare parts and were completely oblivious to my other questions.

I come from the computer industry and have been in it for nearly 30 years now and from experience I know that in some circumstances it is really not worth playing ping-pong with the dealers. I pose a question to them they go back to the manufacturer and don't give the complete question and thus get an incomplete answer back to me so the process starts again.

Hi Steve.

The reason System Q doesn

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