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Howdy all,

Anyone tried running pelco domes on Eventsys Pro. I've a coaxilator driving 2 Siemens domes and that's working fine. I understand that the Pelco D & P won't work via the coxilator so I've run in a cat5 and I'm running RS232 out of COM1 on the Pro, via a RS232/485 converter, but no joy. Anyone had any experience?

I went up into the attic...I found a Stradavarius & a Picasso. Unfortunately.....

Stradavarius couldn't paint, and Picasso made a shocking fiddle.

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Have you loaded the pelco driver on the eventys pro, it should be on the cd that came with the system in the plugins directory

also have you set the camera to use the pelco driver ?

I've used the eventys pro to drive pelco esprit and bbv receivers (with pelco protocol) without any problems.

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Howdy all,

Anyone tried running pelco domes on Eventsys Pro. I've a coaxilator driving 2 Siemens domes and that's working fine. I understand that the Pelco D & P won't work via the coxilator so I've run in a cat5 and I'm running RS232 out of COM1 on the Pro, via a RS232/485 converter, but no joy. Anyone had any experience?


In answer to your question, No. But I have had experience of Molynx in the past and they were very guarded over their protocols. have a look at BBV they may have a convertor.



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Same from me mate, good to see you back.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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why do ya say that daz where did dave go :hmm:

Dave had a spat with a member on here and then spat his dummy out. It was a bit childish asking for my trade membership to be withdrawn, so I asked Dave if he would re-instate me, and he did. Why do you ask?

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