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Help With Networking A Dm Eco4 Sprite, Please.


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I would be grateful if someone could advise me how to network an ECO4 Sprite.

I have a static I.P Address given by B.T. Ive upgraded my modem to a new BT modem/router and all is working ok.

I would like to view the system off site.

Would be grateful of any advice its been giving me major headache all day [LOL].

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I would be grateful if someone could advise me how to network an ECO4 Sprite.

I have a static I.P Address given by B.T. Ive upgraded my modem to a new BT modem/router and all is working ok.

I would like to view the system off site.

Would be grateful of any advice its been giving me major headache all day [LOL].

Have you installed the viewing software onto the pc you wish to use for off site viewing. Then open the software and setup the site and enter the ip address then connect.



Lee Sutton

E-Mail: leesutton@centurianfire.co.uk

Website: www.centurianfire.co.uk

Phone: 0845 094 9870

CENTURIAN FIRE & SECURITY (part of centurian group limited)

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as lee said, have you installed the viewing softwareon the pc?

if you have , can you connect locally by pluging the pc straight into the sprite?

if you cant , then the problem lies there fistly

keep us updated


Eucam Security Systems

0845 4630 746


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I would be grateful if someone could advise me how to network an ECO4 Sprite.

I have a static I.P Address given by B.T. Ive upgraded my modem to a new BT modem/router and all is working ok.

I would like to view the system off site.

Would be grateful of any advice its been giving me major headache all day [LOL].

You need to setup a virtual server on your router to point the port to an internal IP. Port 80 is favourite for a webserver. In plain english your static IP directs trafic into your network and then the trafic is routed by your router via internal IP addresses.

Chose an IP address on your network. What is the IP address to access your router? Normally it is or Assuming it is the latter, this is the same as mine. I have my DVR on so it won't effect any IP addresses auotmatically asigned by the router.

One this is set up you should be able to call the DVR by typing in your static IP address and add the port number on the end eg: "" where the 80 is the port.

Don't forget to allow this port trough any firewalls including the Windows Firewall if you have it enabled.

With a static IP it is straight forward, I have a dynamic IP so i use dyndns.org to keep track of the changing IP's. When I first tried mine I couldn't connect, Lurch came to the rescue and told me that you get problems trying it locally. Try connecting through a proxy server or get a mate to try from another location.

Hope that makes sence.



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I would be grateful if someone could advise me how to network an ECO4 Sprite.

I have a static I.P Address given by B.T. Ive upgraded my modem to a new BT modem/router and all is working ok.

I would like to view the system off site.

Would be grateful of any advice its been giving me major headache all day [LOL].

Thanks everyone for the advice so far,

I have the pc and sprite plugged in to the router. i can access the sprite via the viewing software on the pc on site. but when i come off site and load up the viewing software on my laptop and use the ip address that worked when i was using pc on site it wont recognise the address?

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You have got to set up port forwarding on the router, if its an older eco using netviewer the ports are 80 and 8034-8039, if its a newer unit using Netvu connected software then the ports to forward are 80,20 and 21 IIRC.

Basically anything trying to access from the internet has got to be directed to the dvr by the router.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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You have got to set up port forwarding on the router, if its an older eco using netviewer the ports are 80 and 8034-8039, if its a newer unit using Netvu connected software then the ports to forward are 80,20 and 21 IIRC.

Basically anything trying to access from the internet has got to be directed to the dvr by the router.

Do you know how to do that?

If not, tell us the make/model of your router and someone (maybe even me) will probably tell you what's needed. It's usually pretty simple. ;)

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