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Cctv Buyers Guide


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Hi all

I was wondering if people wouldnt mind giving me some tips on what end users need to consider if buying a cctv system for self installation....

I should point out here that i am asking this because i work for a UK distributor and one of our biggest customers is Maplin Electronics (who sell mainly to end users), we have our own eccommerce site also for end users, and at the moment the buyers guide is terrible. so i am going to improve it. I'm aware that as installers you may not want to help me on this as you could feel its kind of detrimental to your occupation, but i would just like to point our that we offer substantial discounts to the trade so theres plenty or mark up for installers.

With that said, i would appreciate any tips people have, basically i need to build a guide that will explain everything in very simple terms for the end user to at least understand more about what kind of a system will best suit there needs. so if you want to suggest anything please do so, i would be very grateful for any tips here.

thanks all


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Hi all

I was wondering if people wouldnt mind giving me some tips on what end users need to consider if buying a cctv system for self installation....

Here's a tip: Caveat Emptor

I should point out here that i am asking this because i work for a UK distributor and one of our biggest customers is Maplin Electronics (who sell mainly to end users), we have our own eccommerce site also for end users, and at the moment the buyers guide is terrible. so i am going to improve it. I'm aware that as installers you may not want to help me on this as you could feel its kind of detrimental to your occupation, but i would just like to point our that we offer substantial discounts to the trade so theres plenty or mark up for installers.

With that said, i would appreciate any tips people have, basically i need to build a guide that will explain everything in very simple terms for the end user to at least understand more about what kind of a system will best suit there needs. so if you want to suggest anything please do so, i would be very grateful for any tips here.

thanks all

So, if i understand this right, you sell a product yet don't fully understand the concepts and purpose of said product, now you want members of the trade to divvy up all their knowledge so you can cut them out of the sales loop.

Can i ask, on the understanding that you don't know why people buy your products, why you think the trade buyers would beat a path to your door for products they don't currently buy and appear to have shown little interest in??

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I was wondering if people wouldnt mind giving me some tips on what end users need to consider if buying a cctv system for self installation....

If that was the question,

the answers could possibly be ....

... why are they buying CCTV?,

... what do they hope to achieve?,

... what are the possible consequences?,

... how competent are they in applying the correct technology to fulfil their objectives,

... how much are they prepared to spend,

... and how professional and reliable is their supplier likely to be, in providing and supporting the tools that they require in order to produce the desired results?.

When those questions have been answered, then they can start to consider what equipment will best fit their needs.

How likely is it that an end user customer will get all their boxes ticked? I'd say about as likely as me being a millionaire by Christmas .... 2025!

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So, if i understand this right, you sell a product yet don't fully understand the concepts and purpose of said product, now you want members of the trade to divvy up all their knowledge so you can cut them out of the sales loop.

Can i ask, on the understanding that you don't know why people buy your products, why you think the trade buyers would beat a path to your door for products they don't currently buy and appear to have shown little interest in??

hi there, i am new to the CCTV industry so my personal knowledge is very limited, i work in the sales department, but i am also incharge of the website, i will be asking other members of staff within the company there advice with regards the buyers guide when i am back in the office. However i thought i'd get some advice from experts here to begin with.


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Guest anguscanplay
hi there, i am new to the CCTV industry so my personal knowledge is very limited, i work in the sales department, but i am also incharge of the website, i will be asking other members of staff within the company there advice with regards the buyers guide when i am back in the office. However i thought i'd get some advice from experts here to begin with.

i would be asking the manf or the supplier you get them from - same as we do

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hi there, i am new to the CCTV industry so my personal knowledge is very limited, i work in the sales department, but i am also incharge of the website, i will be asking other members of staff within the company there advice with regards the buyers guide when i am back in the office. However i thought i'd get some advice from experts here to begin with.


Ask yourself this; "how many trade buyers purchase their mainstream product from Maplin...or yourselfs come to that??"

Consider the fact that your question asked trade to give you answers to cut themselves out of the loop whilst you make money box shifting. Surely it should be yourselves providing the answers??

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If that was the question,

the answers could possibly be ....

... why are they buying CCTV?,

... what do they hope to achieve?,

... what are the possible consequences?,

... how competent are they in applying the correct technology to fulfil their objectives,

... how much are they prepared to spend,

... and how professional and reliable is their supplier likely to be, in providing and supporting the tools that they require in order to produce the desired results?.

When those questions have been answered, then they can start to consider what equipment will best fit their needs.

How likely is it that an end user customer will get all their boxes ticked? I'd say about as likely as me being a millionaire by Christmas .... 2025!

Thanks for the reply Jon

remembing that this is a buyers guide that will be on our online store, it's objective is simply that, to guide the end user in purchasing the correct products for there needs. so i have to presume that they have asked themselves the above questions, before wanting to proceed with the purchase of the system.

but the way i see it, it is my task to try to answer some of the above questions within the guide itself. by this i mean, the guide is not interactive, so i cant simply ask them what they want to achieve, however i have to presume that they know what they want the system to do. so by readin the guide they will learn what products will do the job they want. but this is now giving me a lot to think of, and its too late to be doing it now! haha

again thanks for the reply


hi angus, we are the manufacturer, but i only just decided that the buyers guide needs to be improved, i will be asking the technical guys there advice when i'm back in the office, but when i get these things in my head i'm too impatient to wait around, i like to try to get things done.


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Ask yourself this; "how many trade buyers purchase their mainstream product from Maplin...or yourselfs come to that??"

Consider the fact that your question asked trade to give you answers to cut themselves out of the loop whilst you make money box shifting. Surely it should be yourselves providing the answers??

hi cubit

Maplins i presume sell to end users only... with regards us cutting trade out the sales loop, we only recently began selling online to endusers, our customer base is 90% plus to the trade. but obviously there are people in the world who simply dont want to pay an installer to do something they feel confident in doing themselves. hence the online store.

but i am no expert, so i wanted to check with others any advice they might like to share about important things for someone to consider when purchasing a cctv system. as its the weekend i cant ask the experts i work with.. so i tried here.


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Guest anguscanplay

hi angus, we are the manufacturer, but i only just decided that the buyers guide needs to be improved, i will be asking the technical guys there advice when i'm back in the office, but when i get these things in my head i'm too impatient to wait around, i like to try to get things done.

i might be young and cute but there`s no way you manf all the stuff on your website


wrong place to ask in my opinion

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