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Cctv Buyers Guide


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When a member of the public is considering a diy cctv system they need to know exactly what the options available to them are, just quoting spec's won't mean a fat lot to them. Most understand that they get what they pay for but judging different systems by price alone and assuming that the more they pay, the better the quality is wrong.

Tandy's used to offer there goods already sorted in a fashion of "Good, Better, Best" and as far as the public is concerned this is the sort of approach that is needed. Everything ideally should be sorted for them. And the advantages over the lesser low res (320/380TVL) specced units compared to standard (400/480TVL) and high res (500TVL+) explained, as well as a good explanation of lux values and what that means in regard to night vision capaballities, all in simple terms.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Thanks for the reply Jon

remembing that this is a buyers guide that will be on our online store, it's objective is simply that, to guide the end user in purchasing the correct products for there needs. so i have to presume that they have asked themselves the above questions, before wanting to proceed with the purchase of the system.

but the way i see it, it is my task to try to answer some of the above questions within the guide itself. by this i mean, the guide is not interactive, so i cant simply ask them what they want to achieve, however i have to presume that they know what they want the system to do. so by readin the guide they will learn what products will do the job they want. but this is now giving me a lot to think of, and its too late to be doing it now! haha

Hi TSi,

Without wishing to state the obvious, it's often best not to assume or presume anything in this world ;)

In general terms, end users rarely if ever have more than just a basic grasp of the mechanics of CCTV, and that is the main reason why such a high percentage of the 4.2 million ish cameras in the UK, are not performing as perhaps they should banghead

Now before anybody takes me to task over that suggestion, I have to say that it is in fact recognised by an increasing number of high end industry observers, and no, I'm not going to be drawn into naming or identifying who thinks that.

Agreed you can't practically set up an 'expert' buyers guide that will answer all the customers questions for them, but at the risk of being ever so slightly contentious, the industry as a whole has a responsibility to try and ensure that end users 'get it right', or at least as right as they are capable of achieving with their limited knowledge.

Now if that means that manufacturers and distributors need to take a more proactive approach to educating their customers, then that surely has to be a good thing. I've spent the last couple of years operating a "Helpdesk" to try and do my bit to point people in the right direction, but quite honestly, without having received any substantive support from the biz., it is grindingly depressing having to constantly deal with the same old problems, many of them incidentally created by distributors that are simply looking for a quick sale.

You'll have to excuse the rant but there are certain aspects of our business that really do drive me totally king nuts :realmad:

My humble advice for what it's worth would be to start with the premis that they don't know what they want, or even necessarily exactly why they want it. Then if you can go the "extra mile" to help them fulfil their objectives (and those of the police and CJS), then hopefully payback will come in the form of recognition, gratitude and a growing reputation.

Just my two penneth ... ;)

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My humble advice for what it's worth would be to start with the premis that they don't know what they want, or even necessarily exactly why they want it.

My own suspicion is that if most DIY-ers actually had the information on what CCTV can achieve and how to do it they would realise that it's probably a waste of time (as a DIY project) except as an amusing pastime.

So a guide along the lines proposed, if it's clear honest and effective, is probably going to deter a lot of DIY-ers but may generate some professional business.

Someone needs to do it, but maybe not the OP? :whistle:

PS Yes DrJ I have read a lot of your stuff online - very thought-provoking.

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