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is it not wonderful that the police will not release a supposely E fit picture of the perpitraitor due to their laws, but will release the name of the main suspect so that everywhere else in the world can release his picture.

YOU ARE WRONG. :angry:

The Portuguese Police have NOT released his name. It's the British media that have done that, by linking events together.


sorry. i was of the understanding they had,

Kevin Scott. Owner of KK Alarms...... Installation .. Service .. Repair ...... Thoughout.. Northumberland and North Tyneside ..... Tel:01670 361948 (call diverted after 15 seconds) or 07947444114

sorry. i was of the understanding they had,

From what I've seen the Portuguese Police have been very careful to try and follow their own privacy/secrecy rules, but with the huge media circus there it's virtually impossible to keep things secret as every move is being scrutinised.

And the British guy referred to has now spoken to the media to confirm his formal status as an "arguido", which apparently needs to be in place to allow him to have a lawyer present at any interviews.

Remember, it's a different legal system they have to ours, so just translating words to the nearest English equivalent doesn't explain the significance (or lack of it).

And now there seems to be a Russian in a similar situation.

Personally I hate the way the media are dealing with this; they're dangerously close to being a lynch mob. :ninja:


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