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Callout Pay

Guest Samholland

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Guest PeteGBR

I just get overtime, or time off if it goes quiet

I do love the job though; else I wouldn't do it !.. Beats sitting in an office all day every day!

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Keiko surely your joking .. ?

On call 365 days of the year, No stand by pay and No call out pay
How can any employer expect you to go out without pay .. ?


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Guest Peter James

I bet he works for himself, mind you my first two years in this industry I was on call 365 days a year but the pager/phone used to ring less back in the days of when it was all black and white. ;)

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Sleep time is still a bit of a grey area with some companies, but generally any company worth their salt will allow at least hour for hour in lieu if you are out after midnight. :)

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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At Initial on call engineers get no standby allowance but are on a slightly higher rate, think it's about 33p per hour, not alot i know.

It's time and a half before midnight and on a Saturday. Double time after midnight and all day Sunday.

As for lie in time we get an hour for an hour after midnight.

However, we don't get paid for the first three days that we are off sick !!!! What sick pay do other firms pay ?

UTC - The dawn of a new era !

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Im on call now.... we get 40hours being on call then you can decide weather you can work in the week or not so if you work full week while on call you could get 80hours pay....

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