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Charge For Police To Investigate Theft !

Guest Dave the alarm man

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oh, the joy of living in modern britian

105 quid please!!!!

I had my car stolen a few years back, I told the police if it was found that I would recover it (used to be mechanic had towtruck etc), they phoned to say they had found it and I was told I could collect it from a recovery firms yard. They had it towed. It cost me

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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I had my car stolen a few years back, I told the police if it was found that I would recover it (used to be mechanic had towtruck etc), they phoned to say they had found it and I was told I could collect it from a recovery firms yard. They had it towed. It cost me
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this is stunning and disgusting, what the flip are we paying rates and taxes for?

a new client i installed CCTv for last friday after having 3 vehicles stolen from his very 'secure' yard, waited for 6 days for the Police to arrive to investigate. by which time this yard owner had recovered 2 of the cars by his own means. lets say he has freinds and his methods wer akin to bounty hunters in the USA and wyatt earp.

it is this very attitude of the Police to solving 'difficult crimes' make we wonder how any company like mine, operating outside the inspectorate's (as we all know), can say hand on heart to a new client and honestly 'best you go NSI/SAIB just for Police response to PAB's alone, when i identufy such is a personal risk rather than property. and all you decent guys in those organisations, and there are many, must wonder the same as me.

perhaps the days when systems are responded to by private companies and cardboard rent-a-cops will happen, imo not a moment too soon.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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this is stunning and disgusting, what the flip are we paying rates and taxes for?

a new client i installed CCTv for last friday after having 3 vehicles stolen from his very 'secure' yard, waited for 6 days for the Police to arrive to investigate. by which time this yard owner had recovered 2 of the cars by his own means. lets say he has freinds and his methods wer akin to bounty hunters in the USA and wyatt earp.

it is this very attitude of the Police to solving 'difficult crimes' make we wonder how any company like mine, operating outside the inspectorate's (as we all know), can say hand on heart to a new client and honestly 'best you go NSI/SAIB just for Police response to PAB's alone, when i identufy such is a personal risk rather than property. and all you decent guys in those organisations, and there are many, must wonder the same as me.

perhaps the days when systems are responded to by private companies and cardboard rent-a-cops will happen, imo not a moment too soon.



Sorry, but i'm struggling to find the link between the various parts here.

CCTV after the cars have gone is akin to bolting the stable door after the horse has gone. Not that it would probably have stopped it happening. What would have been acheived had the Police gone chasing round there?? Not a lot. They probably know your customer quite well. Turn a blind eye and all that.

How can police response to PABs be related or compared to someone discovering cars missing after the event?

Yes, you highlighted personal risk for PABs but somehow you seem to be suggesting use of a NSI/SSAIB company would be of little benefit. The police have to differentiate between crimes happening and those that have happened.

Being a victim of crime isn't pleasant but surely we must assume the police do have a grasp of the situation??

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

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Guest anguscanplay
it is this very attitude of the Police to solving 'difficult crimes' make we wonder how any company like mine, operating outside the inspectorate's (as we all know), can say hand on heart to a new client and honestly 'best you go NSI/SAIB just for Police response to PAB's alone, when i identufy such is a personal risk rather than property. and all you decent guys in those organisations, and there are many, must wonder the same as me.



hardly a fair comparison is it - a bike dumped in a car park and a personal attack button being activated in a bank or building society

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hardly a fair comparison is it - a bike dumped in a car park and a personal attack button being activated in a bank or building society

:question: so who mentioned a bike and my client? the car which is still outstanding, is a Merc worth 28k.

if you going to compare, then imo best don't use extremes to do so, just use the usual everyday scenario's.

most clients i ever deal with are in private residence's, i'm at least honest and responsible enough to say to any new client, if personal safety is their main concern, then best you go with an inspected company straight from the off, as they have the backup (supposedly) and at least the insurrance approvals.

this client lives on isolated site, until now beleived he and his wife were totally secure behind a padlocked gate. since the theft, the wife is appaplexic at any noise - hence the camera's as she was threatenning to move out. having no problems in the last 16 yars, they now realise if they were ever attacked, they could be 'sorted' without any fuss what so ever.

i have observed over the many years, when people are moved from what they thought and trusted was a totally secure enviorment, then the real world makes a rude and very unwelcomd entrance into their fortress, shear fear and panick often ensue's especially in the female partners side.

when we close our front doors, thats saying our fortress is secure, and offer's sanctuary from the evils of the outside world. if we want to run arround stark naked or with mickey mouse uniforms on thats out buisness and only people with invites are allowed in. but when an intruder dents that image of security it is often very hard for the women partners to come to gripps with the lapse of security.

as pro's, everyone should be very very aware of and sensative to this fact.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Sorry, but i am still struggling with this.

The bike was mentioned in the first post. This moved on to cars going missing from a very secure yard to PABs.

How can PAB reponse be linked to stolen cars, after the event too remember. From my experience, anyone capable of using their own methods of persuasion are well enough known to the police.

I agree about a mans home is his castle, or at least it used to be. However, i do detect a hint of animosity towards the Inspectorates on something they have no control over. Surely this is a little unfair??

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

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i have to say, in defence of the dibble, when i got my car nicked they were here within 10 minutes. Can't fault them for that.

Mind,they did sod all when they got here.

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Guest anguscanplay
:question: so who mentioned a bike and my client? the car which is still outstanding, is a Merc worth 28k.

if you going to compare, then imo best don't use extremes to do so, just use the usual everyday scenario's.



me thinks your confusing police response with crime detection there arfur yep they not very good at clearing up stolen bikes but hit the panic button and male or female its all bells and lights

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