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Smoking Ban

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Well,unless there is a difference in the ban that came in here (NI) you are permitted to drive in a works vehicle provided it is for your sole use and is not a shared vehicle (ie - pool car or van,council/local authority vehicle etc).

At last, no more guesswork, the correct answer for a change -

but, if your boss says no smoking in his van, it's his van, so .................

Someone told me I was ignorant and apathetic, I don't know what that means, nor do I care.

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thanks Cerberus,

a very useful link, i'm the worst kind of evangalistic type preaching non smoker - as i used to smoke 30 years back :rolleyes: went 'cold turkey' to get of it, no nancy pancy patche's just sheer will power, buckets of crisps and chewing gum, talk aboiut Arfur having PMT (Puff Memmont Tantrums) :P

no one is ever allowed to smoke in my home or vehicles, but just as a point of interest for those who do smoke, i wonder if on occasion when using sub contractors and we do, on the spur of the moment say 'lets all go in my van to save fuel parking' you will need to fit those signs before they get in.

if your the van & company owner, and your subby smokes, with or without all the corect signs will you get done for aiding and abetting?

watch this space as i can see some 'fun' prosecutions comming soon.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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The smoking ban has been in force in scotland now for a year and generally everyone complies with the law (pubs, clubs etc). However their has been instances where I have passed the local bus and the drivers are smoking with their little side windows open and the bus has got passengers onboard. Also The amount of times I've jumped into a taxi and can smell smoke is a frequent occurance.

I have not heard of any prosecutions or fines to date from anyone.


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The smoking ban has been in force in scotland now for a year and generally everyone complies with the law (pubs, clubs etc). However their has been instances where I have passed the local bus and the drivers are smoking with their little side windows open and the bus has got passengers onboard. Also The amount of times I've jumped into a taxi and can smell smoke is a frequent occurance.

I have not heard of any prosecutions or fines to date from anyone.


this is a tad off topic, but as it's social engineering by legislation involved, listenned to a radio prog early this year where a guy admitted to date that nobody had bee prosecuted or fined for contravenning the TPS by phonig numbers which were listed to stop junk calls.

i have only had a couple of calls since i got my lines 'listed', so it seems the threat of the fines is going to be an effective detterent.

i know i'll kick off if someone wants to smoke in my space that's for sure :rolleyes:



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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i don't see anyone getting pulled for smoking in a van if they are on their own.

this law depends on those who don't smoke reporting those who do, kind of like H&S imo.

Don't you believe it, word is city centre cameras are going to be used to check on signwritten vehicles, you won't even know you're nicked until the fine arrives in the post.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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Don't you believe it, word is city centre cameras are going to be used to check on signwritten vehicles, you won't even know you're nicked until the fine arrives in the post.

i can see an upsurge in nicotine patches and gum then, perhaps even guys standing at the bar offering the around, extra mils, filter and king size will be next, even flavours and luminous ones, bright green teeth or glowing armpits will be a clue :P



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Guest BellMan371
Don't you believe it, word is city centre cameras are going to be used to check on signwritten vehicles, you won't even know you're nicked until the fine arrives in the post.

well that counts me out of the fines then as i dont smoke :no:

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I own my own business and the van, the lad who works for me smokes as do I, it's a breach of my human rights to stop me smoking in my own van, if the passanger likes it or not...... (if not it a long walk to some of my jobs) but they can't stop you smoking in your own van surely.... even if you use your own van for work???? Gordon Brown blows donkeys if you ask me..... back with the Blair!!!!!!!

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Tony Hughes, Proprietor,


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Guest anguscanplay
I own my own business and the van, the lad who works for me smokes as do I, it's a breach of my human rights to stop me smoking in my own van, if the passanger likes it or not...... (if not it a long walk to some of my jobs) but they can't stop you smoking in your own van surely.... even if you use your own van for work???? Gordon Brown blows donkeys if you ask me..... back with the Blair!!!!!!!

sorry dude but you wont be allowed to smoke in your van

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Guest G.J.M
I own my own business and the van, the lad who works for me smokes as do I, it's a breach of my human rights to stop me smoking in my own van, if the passanger likes it or not...... (if not it a long walk to some of my jobs) but they can't stop you smoking in your own van surely.... even if you use your own van for work???? Gordon Brown blows donkeys if you ask me..... back with the Blair!!!!!!!

it breaches the human rights of the passenger if you smoke,if we are going to go down that route.

The ban was thought of long before Brown became PM

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