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Hello, And So On And So Forth!


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Having learned that DIY wirefree kits are univerally believed to be cack, I am here to pester you all into trying to reduce the cost of a professional installation by doing as much of it as possible.

I will try and keep the questions to the relevant forum areas though, so if you see any, please help an enthusiastic amateur ;)



Hi Nys

Welcome to the forum. If you are a trade member you can post in the relevant areas.

If not apply for trade status.


Peter Robinson



Hi Nys

Welcome to the forum. If you are a trade member you can post in the relevant areas.

If not apply for trade status.



You got an auto responder on your PC??? :whistle:

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

Having learned that DIY wirefree kits are univerally believed to be cack, I am here to pester you all into trying to reduce the cost of a professional installation by doing as much of it as possible.

I will try and keep the questions to the relevant forum areas though, so if you see any, please help an enthusiastic amateur ;)


hi NyseriA.

welcome to the forums,

upto a few years ago most would agree wireless was not worth spitting at, but now the picture has changed with better battery life and kit reliability, along with a better choice of device's available.

my advise is fit it to your home to learn it and test it out, when happy use them on local installations so you don't have to go so far to fix them if they go wrong.

for me wireless still has some issues with upgrading or product 'sunsetting', where today you fit the latest gizmo, 18 months down the line they alter the frequency or make it obsolete. latency kit then becomes a pain to source and also to remember who has what version installed where.

wired kit takes longer, but you have a near infinite choice of device and maker, so changing a faulty detector is not a big issue, where with radio you are trapped into what that maker still makes and charges.

so plenty of swings and round-a-bouts



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!


Correct me if i'm wrong, but this poor fella is simply trying to get the heads up on wireless alarms as he is process of having a system fitted and is simply trying to keep costs down.

A forum member has already quoted a rather good price too.

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional


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