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Is Arfur A Genius?


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Ha Ha Markovitch

Quantum physics covers sub-atomic particles that make up the mind ie thoughts are things made of matter out of the range of our normal 5 senses so the average jp doesn't think they exist in reality but they do if you think they do. eg infra red is out of our normal spectrum so we can't see it but by experiment we know it exists likewise with ultra violet.

But hey this is a security site so enough of this deep stuff. Anyway if you want some more stuff nip over the Mersey to Daresbury and see if they will let you in to question them there.

Best wishes


PS I see they let you in eventually.. Patiance is a virtue and a pain in the rear :P

They couldnt keep me out forever lol

Ha Ha Markovitch

Quantum physics covers sub-atomic particles that make up the mind

Indeed, and some of the latest proper scientific theories are looking at quantum theory as a possible explanation of how the mind works - self awareness for example :ninja:

Guest anguscanplay
Indeed, and some of the latest proper scientific theories are looking at quantum theory as a possible explanation of how the mind works - self awareness for example :ninja:

imagination ?


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