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Estimates - Domestic CCTV

Guest Boggle

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Guest Boggle


Ive joined this forum as lm not having much luck in finding a company within Essex who can offer on-site estimates and guidance of suitable products

I live in a two-bed council house, currently have Response TV Eye 4000 cameras x2 with a switcher unit. Im looking to upgrade but lm not really confident on my DIY skills to install CCTV and would like them to be fitted correctly and proffesionaly

What l would really like is as follows, costs permitting of course:

4x cameras Day&Night Vision (at least two colour)

1x Small Monitor (manily to view front door)

To be able to view all cameras on TV's around the house (currently 4 TV's)

Switching Unit

To be able to record onto Video

My purpose is to be able to view the back garden, Alley way, and two views of front of house.

To make sure lm not wasting anyones time, as l appriciate you have a business to run and time is money lm looking at paying upto Two Hundred Pounds

If you could offer any advice on my requirements l would really appricicate it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message

Mr Paul aka Boggle

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I think you are going to find that everyone agrees with Ian on this one. :(

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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Guest Peter James


I couldnt buy a four camara day night system for two hundred pounds let alone fit it.

The engineer would cost £260 for a days work and unless you want something to hang your xmas cards from (ie cable dangles) I would expect four cams to take two days neatly.

The cheapest daynight cams I would use would cost £100 each then you need some sort of controller to switch it.

If your looking for a proffesional system you will need 2k. :lol:

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Guest Boggle

Thank you all for your responses

I can see that my budget is not going to be enough, will have to rethink the budet.

Is any one able to advise me of the best system for me to consider, l mean do they come in packages??

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You can get observation systems but i would'nt recommend them really.

Your best bet is to let your local CCTV installers come round and give you some advice and some quotes (theyre usually free).

Like Peter said you will need to budget for around £2000 for the kit you have specified.

You can get some really good kit for slightly less cash but it will be under the spec you have mentioned here, thats not to say it wont be good enough for what your trying to achieve.

Either tell us what region you live in and im sure someone here will be able to help you, or use your yellow pages and try 2 or 3 of the local CCTV Installers in there. :rolleyes:

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Guest prsalmon

Boogle hi.

Where an installing company based in Wickford, but covering the whole of essex, london & kent.

As the others have already told you you arent going to get much proffesionly fitted for the money your talking about, but if we can be of any help please feel free to give me a call.

Our rates for telephone assistance are very good, only £75 an hour!! LOL


Paul :D

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