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Gardtec Speech Dialler


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or they havnt paid the bill

or they now have broadband

or they have " virtual exchange" enabled

or there a fault on the line

please,please,please confirm you`ve checked the line for a dial tone first

Yeah, I should have mentioned I carried out this check right at the start. It was the first thing I did!

They DO now have broadband, but that's on a different phone line (I checked this very early on in my investigations too!). As I wired the dialler into the BT test socket, I also elimnated influence from any other sources (there are a couple of phone extensions around the house as fitted by the house builders).

I admit to not knowing about "virtual exchange". What do I need to know?

Thanks again for all your helpful suggestions.

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Guest anguscanplay
Yeah, I should have mentioned I carried out this check right at the start. It was the first thing I did!

They DO now have broadband, but that's on a different phone line (I checked this very early on in my investigations too!). As I wired the dialler into the BT test socket, I also elimnated influence from any other sources (there are a couple of phone extensions around the house as fitted by the house builders).

I admit to not knowing about "virtual exchange". What do I need to know?

Thanks again for all your helpful suggestions.

virtual exchange is a thing where BT upsell the service and give them multi lines from the one number - the need to dial 9 stuffs the speechdialler obviously

can you can definately dial out (and speak) from the line in question using a normal handset ?

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not a 21cn enabled exchange i wonder? but then it should still dial out, otherwise loads of older handsets are heading dfor a landfill :unsure:

my vote is the input voltage is not being 'swung' hard enough, either that or thres a problem with the line voltage and the unit thinks its in line fault, hence the seemingly triggered and the response to user abort.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Guest anguscanplay
not a 21cn enabled exchange i wonder? but then it should still dial out, otherwise loads of older handsets are heading dfor a landfill :unsure:

my vote is the input voltage is not being 'swung' hard enough, either that or thres a problem with the line voltage and the unit thinks its in line fault, hence the seemingly triggered and the response to user abort.



think thats called "hedging your bets..." arf

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back there on Sunday (Double time eh? :D ) and will give it all another go.

Fingers crossed!

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Well, been back and got it working...

Red face for me I suppose. I had previously declared I had checked the phone-line. It was sort-of true, coz I knew they had definitely used the phone connected to the dialler line to call me on my mobile. So, I took that as ok.

Today, I tried out the various resistor suggestions - all of the configurations suggested, but still nowt!

So...I picked up the phone and dialled my mobile...nowt!!!! :angry:

I spoke to the householder who just said "but you didn't press '9' first did you?"

Yeah...that was all it took :(:unsure:

I won't be caught out like that again!

Thanks again for all your help - especially the one who had already suggested the "press '9' first" solution.

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The only other time I struggled with a speech dialler was when I couldn't get it to call my mobile again...and it turned out their phone line was blocked for mobile numbers!

Anyway, I'll remember this "dial 9 first" trick in the future!

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Guest anguscanplay
The only other time I struggled with a speech dialler was when I couldn't get it to call my mobile again...and it turned out their phone line was blocked for mobile numbers!

Anyway, I'll remember this "dial 9 first" trick in the future!

just carry a handset and plug that in before you start - saves a load of grief

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