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Re Zone Doubling New Thoughts


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Angus, sorry about that I'm good at not making myself clear, it will be that model I gave you earlier the KIT595PGTAGID

Polycarb panel C/W Modem & GTag.....I think do pls check below.

Althougth they both read the same in spec what't with the "SERIAL CABLE" model do I need that or the other one without as there are only 2 poly listed in the Risco book.?? I know someone said about the PSU ?? & make sure it's 2 amps ??

All my zones will be wireless.......... 4 door contacts with the rest being Pir 5 of.....2 zone expanders as you said.

I may be able to hard wire the garage with a door contact & a pir but that's for later.

Just want you to check it over before I part with the cash.

hi vols240,

don't worry about the psu, as the one in the poly case is just fine for what you need.

the serial reference is i think regarding the cabling for the connecting of the expanders, the metal version comes with the cable included, but i'm not sure about the poly as i now only use the metal version, so best you check with your supplier.

to be clear, the g-tag is a facility included on the keypad, but you will need to buy any tags you require in addition

a small tip here, when programming your user codes and tags i always set the 1st tag at user 11, 2nd tag at user 12 and so on, a user might have a user called fred so user 6 is 'fred' if he also has a tag then that is at user 16, that way it's far easier to remember where the tags are for temp keyholders and cleaners etc, and so you far less likely to overwrite them in error.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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