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Cctv On A Mobile?


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Hi Steve,

How are Babak and the boys back in the US ? - I worked with them for a short time on a project that never materialised.

Have you met Scott Gurley in the US ? - I think he is the brains behind the reseller marketing campaign. Good golfer ;-)

Best of Luck with your new venture. I've been waiting a couple of years for other camera monitoring solutions to hit the UK market to increase awareness. Looks like you're doing a good job so far.


Hi Steve, Babak and Bill are fine and yes I have met Steve Gurley recently only on a conference call. He has given us a few good pointers on the resellers side as the states are miles ahead of the U.K in this area.

We should get some real interest from the Intruder guys in the U.K. soon as Xanboo are integrating the XG1000 into Honeywell and GE alarm panels here. This will make us the first TCD (STU) that will enable alarm signals, CCTV monitoring including remote storage and mobile phone streaming access in one unit which would be a 1/3rd of BT Redcare or CSL Dualcom's cost.

Exiting times ahead!!

Best Regards,


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