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Interesting Cctv Stories


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Hi There -

If anyone's got any interesting CCTV or home surveillance stories they'd like to share I'm making a series of short documentaries for Channel 4 looking at the more positive aspects of how CCTV affects people's lives. At this stage there's no commitment to take part and its entirely confidential, but I'd love to hear from anyone with a story to tell.

Charlie Russell

Producer / Director


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Got called to a job a few years ago when the house holder said the alarm went off when the gardiner went to the shed to get the tools out when the house owner knew he had omitted the shed door, went to check the alarm log and it showed the system being set at 08:00 unset at 08:30 and set again at 08:45 but without the zone being omitted, hence the reason for the alarm.

Householder and his family denied this and said the only other person to have access would be the very kind neighbour from next door who looks after the house when they go on holiday.

Set up a pin hole camera in the hall inside a pair of trainers with the lens looking out of a lace hole, next day at 8:30 the neighbour lets himself in, turns off the alarm and goes up stairs. 15 min later out he goes after setting the alarm.

That night we move the camera upstairs, true to form, same time next day the guys is caught on cctv going straight for the underwear draw and washing basket!!

Police called, and were shown the video, they went next door and in the garage cupboard was a full collection of his neighbours wifes & daughters underwear!!!

Thats one little story, but I do have another one about a battered fritter & cctv

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Got called to a job a few years ago when the house holder said the alarm went off when the gardiner went to the shed to get the tools out when the house owner knew he had omitted the shed door, went to check the alarm log and it showed the system being set at 08:00 unset at 08:30 and set again at 08:45 but without the zone being omitted, hence the reason for the alarm.

Householder and his family denied this and said the only other person to have access would be the very kind neighbour from next door who looks after the house when they go on holiday.

Set up a pin hole camera in the hall inside a pair of trainers with the lens looking out of a lace hole, next day at 8:30 the neighbour lets himself in, turns off the alarm and goes up stairs. 15 min later out he goes after setting the alarm.

That night we move the camera upstairs, true to form, same time next day the guys is caught on cctv going straight for the underwear draw and washing basket!!

Police called, and were shown the video, they went next door and in the garage cupboard was a full collection of his neighbours wifes & daughters underwear!!!

Thats one little story, but I do have another one about a battered fritter & cctv

Thats Scary!! who'd have thought neighbours could do that ?

"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old. Why rush to end life when happiness is in the blissfulness of childhood innocence."

"We all die, the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."


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personal experience follows -:

previous house we lived in, i fell out with the next door neighbour over a tree of all things, town house have garege, this tree was small when we moved in but was up past the roof within 5 years. problem is they grow out as well as up and uverung my drive to a point i could not park my van in the garage.

anyway things were complicated, the families either side were both 2nd marriages, and then one sides step daughter married the others side step son, my son and i were also members of the paintball team so all well up for a laugh.

when the row blew up, i expected real problems given the family ties, but all members of both the families on both sides backed me as being right, obviously apart from this guy who's tree i'd cut back.

i had already asked several times, and on that day i had also told him i was going to cut the tree, he replied don't take to much off (yer right!) so i cropped it back to the trunk straight up the side nearest to my home. the oldest step son said "what the f' did you do - set off a hand grenade?" rthen said well done.

if that was not 'bad' enough, we as a family was invited to the regular family get together, on seeing us there this guy nearly exploded but was not allowed anywhere near, later we returned home to find the rear window of the wife's car smashed in, //.B.W.F.// was real brave.

decided not smash his lights out as wanted to stay friendly with everyone else, so played the long game as i knew it would do more damage, just called out autoglass and got the window replaced within an hour.

next day i installed a very large traditional size camera case, and a 500 watt auto flood outside our terraced town house to view the cars. a few days later i spot him taking a flash picture direct at the camera - yes, directly into the active 500 watt flood light (i somehow i don't think photography was his strong point :no: ), so i showed a copy to the families to much laughter.

finally he got kicked out for making a pass at the other sides wife who had unfortunately become widowed, next day with that very scorned wifes vengeful encouragement and request, this 35ft leylande tree was reduced to a stump.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Arf he said SHORT documentaries; you'd need a feature length epic, LOL !

ooooops! :cold2:


thought i'd print it for others amusement - shows i'm a cussed git both on and off this forum :yes:



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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my cctv camera system captured a ghostly apperition in the back garden standing next to the old wall about 2 years ago, looked like a leady dressed in a long gown, well spooky to watch on the camera.

serious no wind up!

"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old. Why rush to end life when happiness is in the blissfulness of childhood innocence."

"We all die, the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."


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Going down the wierd route, Had a customer claim to have seen an old lady floating down the corridoor of her pub, Having a drink in her estlablishment one night after being told the story i said ok then lets check the recordings. She gave me the time, date and the two cameras we needed to be looking at.

Both the cameras went into fail for about 30seconds at that exact moment,,,,, i aint some sort of ghost buster but explain that 1..

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Another ghostly experience i was working in a resturant in 2006 where the place was an old building and a death had apparently occured a long time before the present owners have the place, originally it was a fire place shop and now has been converted into a resturant. as i was wiring up the down lights above the new bar this would be about 11.30 pm foot steps went from one end of the building upstairs through the 2 rooms above me to the other side of the building and then after 30 seconds or so they walked back the other way, i looked on the cctv monitor above the bar area and saw nothing, anyway went up the second set of stairs and a really cold draught/chill went right through me as i enetered the rear corridoor, lets just say i didnt stay there much longer after experiencing that, it felt like going in a warm and then the temperature suddenly changing to very very cold for a split second really spooky.

there was no-one else in the building that night and no windows were open or door as they are fire closing doors on automatic closers.

"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old. Why rush to end life when happiness is in the blissfulness of childhood innocence."

"We all die, the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."


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here you go charlie russell heres a perfect ghost story for you!!


"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old. Why rush to end life when happiness is in the blissfulness of childhood innocence."

"We all die, the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."


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