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Can Anyone Help Me Get This Camera Working?


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hi all,

ive got myself a dedicated micros d4 arriving soon and ive been given a second hand body camera. I would like to use it to set up my system before i go spending loads on cameras.

Thing is it wont seem to focus properly, it has lense on the front with a wire going into the body of the camera. For it ti be in focus i have to partly unscrew the lense.

Does it need some kind of other conection to control the focus? It is an old Panasonic WV-CD130L/B

would really appreciate it if someone could offer some advice, dont really want to bin it if something simple.

it has gen-lock BNC connection on rear and 'remote' socket that looks similar to S-video, do i need to have something connected to these to control the focus?

thanks in advance

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Some cameras/lenses sometimes need a spacer ring, if yours comes into focus if you unscrew the lens slightly(approx 5mm?) then it sounds like you need a spacer.

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(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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brilliant thanks, what do gen lock and remote connections do?

also ahould

gl75 ohms be ON or OFF

AGC be ON or OFF

im lost with what they do!

Gen lock is a method of synchronising the 0.3 sync pulse of a composite video signal. It's function is to sync multiple cameras so that the sync pulse is "phased", so with you only having 1 camera, won't be anything for you to worry about. If you end up fitting more cameras & do experience a problem (doubtful), come back & let us know.

Remote connections could mean all sorts, but I suspect it would be an RS232/RS485 connection for connecting a laptop to run/ setup, diagnostics/configuration on the camera. Again something I doubt you'll need to bother with.

GL75ohms should be on.

AGC should be on, depending on the application/lens.

I went up into the attic...I found a Stradavarius & a Picasso. Unfortunately.....

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cheers!! further to above ive had a closer look and there is a collar with a small hex on it, this must be the spacer you refer to as i have undone it and now can screw lense to it tight and it keeps the focus in the correct place!! thanks for all the help will report back with how i get on with it when got the system set up!
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cheers!! further to above ive had a closer look and there is a collar with a small hex on it, this must be the spacer you refer to as i have undone it and now can screw lense to it tight and it keeps the focus in the correct place!! thanks for all the help will report back with how i get on with it when got the system set up!

Indeed I recall the Panachronic is able to accomodate both C and CS mount lenses by means of the aformentioned mechanical alteration. Most other cams you need to insert the ring. (Is it me or does that sound rude?)

I went up into the attic...I found a Stradavarius & a Picasso. Unfortunately.....

Stradavarius couldn't paint, and Picasso made a shocking fiddle.

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Indeed I recall the Panachronic is able to accomodate both C and CS mount lenses by means of the aformentioned mechanical alteration. Most other cams you need to insert the ring. (Is it me or does that sound rude?)


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  • 3 weeks later...

This is David ******************************************************

Hope I can help you.

You see body camera have two kind of mounting way: C/CS, you can check which one you are.

Maybe you need the ring, Cause thedistance from lens to CCD is different.



So if you put the lens suit the CS to C, you should ad one ring to it.

Hope it can help you.

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