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Security Of Network And Port Forwarding To Dm Dvr


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right ive now setup dyndns and put the settings in the router. thing is when i enter the hostname into internet explorer it displays my router homepage (obviously a bit concerning!) once i have the dvr and configure port forwarding when entering the hostname will it go straight to the dvr or have i set somwthing up wrong for it to goto router homepage?

thanks for any help anyone can give

Thats great that you can see the router login - you obviously have that password protected ;) (I hope).

You can usually turn off remote management of the router if you wish, but I find it useful being able to access it. You can change the remote management port to something different if you want (on most routers). Yours must be currently set to port 80 at the moment.

To access a different port, other than the default HTTP(80), use :port number at the end of the url.

For example: http://my_dyndns_ip:8080

8080 is a typical port for remote management, but you can choose what you want.

When you have port forwarded the required ports to the DVR (8234 and 8235 I recall), you would access the DVR by using your dyndns with the port at the end or the url.

Some routers allow port re-direction. For example, you could tell port 80 (standard http) to be redirected to the IP of the DVR on port 8234. You would then get the DVR when ever you entered the dyndns url without a port number at the end of it.

Hope thats clear-ish!

Email : martin@askthetrades.co.uk

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brilliant !!! thanks very much for your help. that makes sense, it is password portected but i would rather not have it come up at all so will see if the router allows port redirection.

if i were to change the remote management port on the router to something other than 80 would it stop it displaying the router login as it does now?

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Yes, you would need to then specify the actual port at the end of the url to gain access to the router config login.

Port 80 is a default port for http web pages, thats why we never have to specify a port when surfing the web.

Email : martin@askthetrades.co.uk

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cant seem to find a way to change the remote management port from 80

nor enable port-redirecting to the ip of the DVR.

if anyone has any experience of doing this with BThome hub would be great, so near to getting it to work!!

thanks lectrician you have been great help

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ah ha ive found that i can select HTTP port 80 and forward it to the ip address of the DVR

will this provide the right solution, ie by going to the host address provided by dyndns it will go straight to the DVR login screen?

i take it though as ive forwarded port 80 to the dvr and not been able to change the remote management port on the home hub i would not be able to remotely manage the hub as trying to get to port 80 would just direct me to the DVR?

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Not sure about the Home Hub, but on most routers you can choose what port to forward where.

So, for example, you pick external port 8080 and forward that to port 80 of your DVR; avoids confusion with any other service you may want to provide externally on port 80. Just connect from outside to <static ip>:8080 to reach the DVR.

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hi andy

im trying to set it up so that when you access the domain you dont get the router login screen come up.

from info provided by lectrician it appears i would have to change the remote management port on the home hub from 80 to something else, just cant find how to do it!

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hi andy

im trying to set it up so that when you access the domain you dont get the router login screen come up.

from info provided by lectrician it appears i would have to change the remote management port on the home hub from 80 to something else, just cant find how to do it!

I specify on my router that any http traffic coming in (naturally from port 80) will be redirected to the internal address of the DVR (Port Forwarding). So when I go to http:/myaddress (no need for a port number), it goes through to my router at default port 80 as it is HTTP traffic, then the router directs it to the DVR's internal IP address specified in the Port Forwarding screen. The DVR accepts this traffic via it's 8234 or 8235 port depending on whether you entered the admin or user account. You can port forward on the home hub - there are plenty of resources on this, but can't find any info on changing the remote admin port.

As to my point in making you aware that it uses Basic Authentication: It is easy to intercept the packets from a PC to the DVR and read off the username and password. If you were to access you DVR via work or on a public PC, any IT literate person can install a similar running application (not necessarily on your PC) to log every single packet in the TCP stream going to your DVR. Unfortunately, many people tend to use the same username and password for everything else and hackers can often get into routers and PCs that may be sitting on the same network. I've seen routers with the model of the router as their SSID - easy to do a search on the net and get the default admin password if they haven't set their own! So then they can control your router and therefore take control of the network by opening up all the ports or disabling the firewall. What then? Your entire network, plus your CCTV images, are available to everyone to enjoy, maybe plant a keylogger on your PC to get all your bank details, or watch when the premises are empty before raiding it? So to Lectrician's comment ("Vulnerability? To security of images yes, to the network no."), I have to disagree having worked in IT for 10 years. Basic Authentication is like leaving your key still in the door - it's just the beginning. Just make sure your router is properly configured to reduce these risks, and change your DVR netviewer password regularly.

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thanks kuchars,

problem ive got is i can forward port 80 to the DVR but when going to my dyndns domain it wont display the DVR login unless i change the actual port on the dvr to 80??

even if i forward 8234 and 8235 to the dvr it still doesnt work unles i change the port as above

any ideas?

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