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Hi Guys,

I am new to the forum and having just set up a woodworking workshop with a lot of tools and machines I want to protect it.

I was given a Security Master TP-800 8 ZONE prewired alarm system and although as I gather from this thread http://www.thesecurityinstaller.co.uk/comm...c=4720&st=0 members do not thing much of it, I thought that as it cost me nothing, for the time being it will at be better then nothing, at least until I can get something better.

The only trouble is, although it has never been used the instructions are missing, and I note from the thread that the poster sent a copy of the instructions to Brian C and that he was going to post a copy of them in the trade section, so is there anyway I can get a copy? I know it was 3 years ago but I can but hope :rolleyes:

If for any reason I cannot get a copy from the Trade section, where else could I try because the company appears to have stopped trading now?

In the end I want a system that will cover both the house and workshop.

Many thanks



Hi Mike

Problem is we can't provide manuals on installation to members of the public that is why in the other thread it was going to be posted in the trade section. Trade members are vetted before getting access to that area.

I know the above does not help but may explain the forums position better.

Try the usual places to get one, manufacturer, wholesalers, on-line shops & auction sites.

Power tools/woodworking tools are expensive so think about getting (free) quotes from local companies for a "proper" system IMO.

If you tell us the police force area in Scotland you are based in a member in that area would be happy to talk to you I'm sure.




Hi Mike

Problem is we can't provide manuals on installation to members of the public that is why in the other thread it was going to be posted in the trade section. Trade members are vetted before getting access to that area.

I know the above does not help but may explain the forums position better.

Try the usual places to get one, manufacturer, wholesalers, on-line shops & auction sites.

Power tools/woodworking tools are expensive so think about getting (free) quotes from local companies for a "proper" system IMO.

If you tell us the police force area in Scotland you are based in a member in that area would be happy to talk to you I'm sure.




Hi C,

Thanks for your reply. As I said the company appears to have stopped trading and I have tried everywhere I can think of (including the places you mention) but I have had no luck, and being a furniture maker by trade I cannot join your trade section.

Is there no way at all I can get a copy of the instructions from your trade section?

Many thanks



Hi Mike

I'm afraid not, sorry.

You have to apply to join the trade section and would then be vetted and as your rightly and honestly say your not in the trade so would be denied.

The problem is that the www is full of "not so honest folks" who may use the info for not so honest means.

The info may be available elsewhere but Tsi remains of clear conscious by vetting the folks such info is given to.

I know it is of little help but the user manual can be provided.

Again if you post your police region (L&B, Strathclyde, Tayside, Central, Northern etc) someone local may be able to help.




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