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Image Quality On Dedicated Micros Export?


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hi all,

hope someone can help.

i am trying to export the encrypeted video files of an event from a DM D4, thing is they appear pixelated?

the recording settings are 30PPS and 40kb file size (highest)

when viewed on the cctv monitor images appear ok, ive tried jpeg snapshot, avi snapshot, and the encrypted file export, all are the same problem.

would i be better hooking up ascsi cdr or will it be the same?

could the camera itself have caused pixelation? its a panasonic body camera with direct drive lense so thought it would be ok?


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hi all,

hope someone can help.

i am trying to export the encrypeted video files of an event from a DM D4, thing is they appear pixelated?

the recording settings are 30PPS and 40kb file size (highest)

when viewed on the cctv monitor images appear ok, ive tried jpeg snapshot, avi snapshot, and the encrypted file export, all are the same problem.

would i be better hooking up ascsi cdr or will it be the same?

could the camera itself have caused pixelation? its a panasonic body camera with direct drive lense so thought it would be ok?


The problem with a file export is that you are watching it on a PC which has its screen set to a much higher resolution than the recorded images (probably 1024X768 at least) the dvr records at approx 352x288 if CIF or 704x288 if half D1. even D1(DVD quality) is only 704x576.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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most recorders record at 2cif, they may display d1 or 4 cif but record at 2cif or 1cif. Otherwise you get interlace noise.

see here


this will explain far better tnan me about progressive or interlaced video

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