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Scanny 9853 Strange Happenings!


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Installed a 25 zone domestic system about 1 1/2 years ago all working well. About 6 months ago it was up graded from digi to red care.It may be coincedence but since then at least once amonth it goes into tamper or alarm.Ive done all the normal checks and test ,fitted dc spike suppressors ,uprated the psu,changed the control pcbs,sab and the red care stu.And guess what .Yep it done it again 2 days after i left aaaaarrrrggghhh. DOES ANY ONE HAVE ANY IDEAS COZ IVE RUN OUT.Any help would be gratefully welcome

Is the STU, plug on or stand alone? If stand alone is it in the PSU? Is the PSU on same mains cct as panel? If you have commoned up 0v on panel and PSU, have you tried seperating? Is there a different earth to panel & PSU (assuming STU in PSU)?

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Ive changed the circuit breaker that it was on.The chap had put 2 areial boosters on the same breaker so ive put it on a spare one. So far so good (done this on monday).fingers crossed and thanks for everyones advice!!!!!!

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