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There was a bit in the paper recently about "Irn Bru Challenge"(or something close to this) as it has been thought up by Robby the Pict the man that got the bridge tolls on the Sky bridge stopped,the challenge goes something like "All Speed Cameras must be approved by the Houses of Parliment or Government Approved"but most speed cameras are Chief of Police Approved so are not valid,so if you get a ticket as for the certification,or if you send in a cheque put something to that affect on the rear.Seemingly there are several test cases going on at the moment.

Will try to find item or a link

The Irn Bru Defence

The 'Irn Bru Defence'

(Added 5-7-2008) Angus Macdonald writes:- (e-mail: a.macdon@btinternet.com)

Courts in Scotland and England could face thousands of appeals by motorists convicted of speeding offences using what has been described as the 'Irn Bru Defence'. A Scottish justice campaigner has identified a legal problem which he says makes evidence from speed measuring devices inadmissible in court.

Robbie the Pict said that none of the measuring devices commonly used by the police had the required approval by Parliament, and are therefore illegal. His arguments are being used by an English barrister in four cases so far, five cases are pending in Scotland, and inquiries have been made from Northern Ireland where solicitors also want to use the argument to defend their clients.

Robbie the Pict said that everyone charged with speeding can challenge the charge themselves without having to go to a solicitor. "If anyone receives a letter notifying them of a

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