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Security Installer Community

Own Car Milage Allowance


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I am a security installer and i have been using my own car and claiming .40p for the first 833 miles per month and .25p for anymore than 833. Now fuel cost so much does anyone know if this amount is going to increase? anybody in the same situation? This used to be a good earner as i do on average 15,000 business miles per year, but now it aint so good :(



Your employer can pay you as much per mile as they like but you would pay tax on any payment you receive greater than you currently get.

As the oil price per barrel is going back down you will be a bit better off the next 3 months than you were the the last 3 months but if I was you I'd buy an LPG car as you get the same 40p payments but your fuel bill will drop by approx 30%.



Well your not in a "minority" group, a chronic alcoholic or drug user etc so you've no chance seems that in this current "PC" world if your not on the "list" you get nought.. (Not going to put anything else as well "forum rules" would kick in technically.)

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