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Engineer hold off

Guest nikki

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Guest nikki

Hi there

I am testing a veritas excel alarm panel and according to the bell installation manual of the (odessey 3) it tells you that by removing the positive i should be able to test the bell?well it doesn't work!!

is there any way of testing the bell from the panel??

Also do i have to move the red wire of the bell to the positive upon installation.



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If the battery is low, it will need to charge before it triggers, but remember that the bell box will not leave engineer's safety hold-off until the tamper switches are down, and the power to the bell is supplied.

ie - make sure the bell box is powered and the cover is on properly before testing the hold-off.


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Do a bell test from engineers mode, they take a while to automatically come out of engineers mode but exit it immediately when the siren is activated from the panel. Also Ive had a few of these that dont self actuate with + removed but do with - removed!

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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we have had a few not activate when hold off removed, do what we do, swear to your self, replace the whole unit and send it back to john at texecom!!!

Just goes to show the importance of servicing!!



PG Security Systems


SSAIB Certificate of Merit Installers.


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