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Too Much Signal?

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that was going to be my next question - what are you using to COMBINE the signal, not one of the crappy V adapters surely LOL, all they do is block the supply and stop the mast head amp. from working, leaves you with virtually no signal once its gone through two more boxes and back upto the loft which then gets amplified and causes ghosting

everytime we have done this its had to be

arial - masthead amplifier - modulator - combiner - sky box - amplifier - dist

the RF2 signal out of the sky box isnt the most powerful thing in the world, so theres nothing lost by boosting the signal on its way to the loft

i'm no Tv Aerial expert, what you say is fine if they have seperate items, the combined distributor (which powers the mast head) is becomming more popular, and caught me out recently.

so i thought the modulator was duff but it was ok when i put the modulator between the aerial and the mast head.obviously i had unwittingly cut the supply to the mast head section :unsure:

so you have to go before the masthead amp (not after it), otherwise the CCTv is ok but no terestrial signals and why you use a good quality 'V' from the supliers i mentioned - for the reason i mentioned, as odds on it will go nipple's up over next xmas :rolleyes: .



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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nah use something like this -combiner

i would say here,

TLC in my experience are a brilliant supplier, you never seem to get the feel as a client your just another of lifes litle anoyance's, to a man (or woman) they seem to move heaven ad earth to get even minor bits you need to site and pdq, and they ask you if you want it delevered when they don't have it in stock.

been just such a pleasure to deal witheither Basildon or Enfield so far.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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I'll second the adjustable attenuator. It has worked for a number of times especially when aerials are concerned.

Any links to the product in question?

The aerial does not have a masthead amplifier - the cable comes directly from the aerial to the modulator input (marked "aerial") and then from the output (marked "TV") to the "aerial" connection on the rear of the Sky box

I have came across instances where placing a modulator inline in the aerial cable has stopped power getting to the masthead amplifier but this is not an issue in this case

I do firmly believe that the ghosing after the distribution amplifier is due to the gain added at this point, the main TV which is not amplified has a clear picture - does this sound logical?

Would an Attentuator cure this? Where can I find an adjustable one or what size should I be getting? Do I fit this inline with the CCTV feed to reduce the signal at source? (is that possible) Or inline with the aerial in? Or inline with the RF2 return that feeds the Distribution amp? (after the main TV so it doesnt interfere with the picture there)

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I got mine here but they seem to be discontinued. You could get the normal ones and place them in series

I found that the signal coming from the aerial was too strong and needed to be attenuated. If the mast does not have an adjustable gain on it then use the attenuator.

As already mentioned keep the modulator output at least 2 channels away from the nearest station

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is the feed back to the loft running alongside the drop feed?

Yes although it is a short run with a good quality cable (CT 100)

I got mine here but they seem to be discontinued. You could get the normal ones and place them in series

I found that the signal coming from the aerial was too strong and needed to be attenuated. If the mast does not have an adjustable gain on it then use the attenuator.

As already mentioned keep the modulator output at least 2 channels away from the nearest station

I think I have found similar to that but thanks for the info

Would it be advantageous to have a built in DC bypass in case it works better on the return (RF2) cable?

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