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Guest anguscanplay
IMO yes a BIG difference.

I had 5000 flyers made last year for the 1st time since starting trading in 2000 and only handed out approx 500 in a one week getting a response of 10% which through nett profit on the work gained paid for the entire batch of flyers 20 times overs.

In the last 12 months I have handed out a further 1000 flyers from the same batch wich have also been similarly profitable.


where are you dropping them?

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or leafleting is just a rubbish way of finding business - in order of cost efficiancy

rule 1 - do what you do to the people you do it too

rule2 - do something new to the people you already do

rule3 - do what you do to someone new

rule4 - do something new to new people

doesnt rule 3 and 4 contradict rule 1????

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Once people start turning to crime for there income the work will start flooding in. I've seen 2 recessions since I started working in this industry and each time its not affected if anything it gets busier.

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Guest anguscanplay
doesnt rule 3 and 4 contradict rule 1????

LOL there not rules in that sense - cost versus efficiancy really

rule 1 easiest and cheapest - rule 4 hardest and most costly

difference this time round daveboy is EVERYBODY is been affected not just the lower classes, what we need is another miners strike - now that was a liscense to print money.

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I agree with Angus,

Hardtimes ahead... Here are some more rules:

Rule 5: Do what you do do best - no shortcuts, add value!

Rule 6: Make a profit (otherwise you may just as well shut shop) Mates of mine in Zimbabwe did that for a while and focused on servicing with no installations. If you think you have problems - but thats a long story. Imagine your equipment costing at least double, just in the few days beween quoting and installation!

Rule 7: Don't give up, if your standards are high enough, and you have a good reputation, you will survive. Even if you have to suppliment your income if it really gets rough.

Rule 8: Diversify... Do more than you do do, CCTV, Access Control, Automation, etc... Rumors of Olympic's, etc, there is business available.

Rule 9: Make sure that you are an expert, half measures may no longer be good enough. Learn, learn, learn!

Rule 10: When you are an expert, advertise the fact, just don't be caught short... refer to rule 9.


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I have found cards the size of post it notes work in the long term, with a line saying if youve got an alarm put it by your control panel if not keep it handy you'll never know when you'll need us. Had calls 5+ years after they got them.

We give a couple to every customer everytime we visit them, and often they pipe up with someone over the road etc alarm keeps going off, so they get a card (by hand if there're in).

We give them to employees of firms we visit during RM, contractors we meet on sites, carpet fitters & window fitters (esp the self emp ones) etc.

Putting them blind through letterboxes is better than doing nothing, but giving a card to someone by hand is an introduction in itself.

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We had 10,000 a5 leaflets pot through doors and only got 3 jobs back which only paid for its self no one has got any money or if thay have are just not spending. :rolleyes:

They will be. Once the thieves start to get skint aswell, they'll be out and about keeping us all busy again!

I went up into the attic...I found a Stradavarius & a Picasso. Unfortunately.....

Stradavarius couldn't paint, and Picasso made a shocking fiddle.

My Facebook page...http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=1279556853&ref=name

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My boss had me dropping leaflets in a new housing complex. All houses have alarm wiring already installed so jus need the second fix. Not sure of the response yet but would imagine new owners would be appealled seeing as the cables are already there.....

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