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Retrieve Footage From Avtech Hard Drive


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Have an avtech mpeg4 with a power failure. Im trying to retrieve the footage from the hard drive using a usb cradle through my laptop. it recognises that the HDD is there in the device list but it doesnt show as an additional drive for me to use the viewer software to access the files. Any ideas how I can get to these files?

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id expect that you cant just see them like that else it would be very easy to alter the images.

You will need to know how the drive is formatted, it may not be windows compatible.

Its not a machine i would use so havnt really looked at it im afraid.

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Have an avtech mpeg4 with a power failure. Im trying to retrieve the footage from the hard drive using a usb cradle through my laptop. it recognises that the HDD is there in the device list but it doesnt show as an additional drive for me to use the viewer software to access the files. Any ideas how I can get to these files?

Which DVR do you have?

Is it an external power supply problem, or an internal power supply problem? External problem would mean just buying a new power supply. Internal power problem means it just became a door stop.

The USB is only for back up of video images.

There are some DVRs where you can take the hard drive, and install it in to another DVR, and then retrieve the video.

You will have to watch out for the DVRs that format the hard drive when installed.

The AVC 760 / CPCam CPD 560 These units will allow you to insert a hard drive from another machine. Date time group may be a problem when searching for video. Just anotate the time difference, and modify your time to get the video that you need.

The AVTech are linux based. I do not know of anyway to see the hard drive video with the hard drive in a PC. Someone may have to come up with an emulator program in order to see the video.

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