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Can I Learn?


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Hi everyone,

I currently work for my self selling gas in cornwall, ive been doing this for the last 9 years. ive been interested in alarms and security systems for many years, and fitted our alarm at home which i enjoyed a lot. My question is..... is this something i could learn more on without having to give up my job? Dont get me wrong I like what i do now, it pays the bills and gives me loads of time off in the summer but i would love to learn more about this ocupation and perhaps do it part time during the summer period.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Hello & welcome

Yes, everything is possible and tonnes of info can be gained right here for a start.

Have a good search (top right of screen) as every question on this topic has been asked a few times before.

As for starting up yourself it will be bloody hard right now with the curent financial climate and many a man with years of experiance would struggle but as I say everything is possible.

One thing I'd strongly say no to is doing it part-time on a self employed basis as your not providing a 24/7 responce service to your customers and IMO you need to focus 100% on a business venture or it will never really work.


That would be the sort of thing i was thinking of, i'll check out the local college. Any idea what the course might be called or are there a few different ones?

Here's some info on the 1852 course, (it's done over 2years before specialising). Your local college should offer day or eves.



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