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Hello, my name is Dzmitry, I'm 35 years old. My background is just 13 years in security systems field. I'am present group of company UNIBELUS, and it International division - "Premium Project" ltd. What more.... I'm pass University and start as CCTV expert and became Manager of Internetional projects, now. I'am come to this forum in base for the communication and relation with UK's installers and colleagues. Dialogues it's intersting, also we are interesting in security designs in UK. Nice to hear your comments! :rolleyes:


Hello & welcome.

Glad to have you with us.

Are you now living in the UK Dmitry?

I only ask (and no offence intended) as your name and English suggest you are not from these shores but from a land that has lots of vodka!



hello & welcome

glad to have you with us

are you now living in the UK Dmitry?

I only ask (and no offence intended) as your name and English sujest you are not from theses shores but from a land that has lots of vodka!



You can talk! :whistle:




PM me for access to the SSAIB members discussion area.



I like your style guys, lol



(PS - admin would never edit a post in a vein attempt to try and avoid looking like a thick illiterate Jock :whistle: )

im doing all i can not to press the edit button....

Tries his best not to laugh to hard, I mean I think if I laughed loud enough someone would hear me.

HI Dmitry and welcome to the forum (mad house / zoo / semi-normal place*)

*delete as required

Intruder / CCTV / Access Control Technical Support Personal

Subscriber to the "K.I.S.S" principle, that's Keep It Simple Stupid, are you?

Hello & welcome.

Glad to have you with us.

Are you now living in the UK Dmitry?

I only ask (and no offence intended) as your name and English suggest you are not from these shores but from a land that has lots of vodka!




Yes, it is valid in sew to the country vodka is, not so lot that in Russia, certainly :)) . Our company is the largest integrator in Belarus, except for it we are manufacturers of the equipment of security systems and communications. We have the offices in Lithuania, Ukraine and Germany. Now we register our branch in the Great Britain. Therefore it would be very interesting to me to communicate to colleagues.

Basically in the Great Britain we shall advance services of our design bureau, except for it we plan to supply of our CCTV equipment which sale well in Germany, now.

In general to me very interesting to communicate with colleagues as soon we plan to search for employees for our bramch in UK, I think they are in yours to the forum, may be.

P.S.excus for my English, I promise, that soon I shall improve it:)


Tries his best not to laugh to hard, I mean I think if I laughed loud enough someone would hear me.

HI Dmitry and welcome to the forum (mad house / zoo / semi-normal place*)

*delete as required

Hi and thanks. I'll try to not get lost at the forum (mad house / zoo / semi-normal place*) :rolleyes:


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