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Christmas Do


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We had our christmas do last weekend at Savilles @ the leeds Armoury. Excellent night out.

nice meal, nice live act, and boses basically paid for all the booze.

I stayed at the adj. hotel which is literally next door to Savilles and parking was


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it was very funny, yet very true :whistle:

Kevin Scott. Owner of KK Alarms...... Installation .. Service .. Repair ...... Thoughout.. Northumberland and North Tyneside ..... Tel:01670 361948 (call diverted after 15 seconds) or 07947444114

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Well a good night was had by all AFAIK, find out monday.

Our eqpt prices will be lower in the new year or somebodys wife will get the photos.

Its really hard not to laugh when the waiter asks "so whos on call then"

Even harder not to laugh when a guy with another party has to leave cause he's just been broke into (really am sorry in the true light of day).

We agreed best move Pauline from HR to accounts.

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Damn hope so.

Friends come & go but enemies are for life, lol.

No tree, cards or silver stringy c##p round my place.

All this fuss for santas birthday, stoopid idea.

Tis the season to be happy 'C' dont be such a scrouge

D'you think there's a message there somewhere? :whistle:


"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old. Why rush to end life when happiness is in the blissfulness of childhood innocence."

"We all die, the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."


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  • 3 weeks later...

We had our do after xmas one year. Made sense as everyone too busy before etc.

Wasnt the same though. We were all kind of Crimbo'd out. The rest of the world didnt take to us legless in Jan!

Thought I'd post after you left for Dublin, wouldnt want to dampen your evening :)

Have fun & Merry Xmas btw.

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