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Hi From Freezing Manchester


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I'm Clint,

I've been 'sort of' involved with CCTV for a few years now, (alright, make me feel old, the first system I repaired, installed and maintained was a Philips that used VHF and power over COAX 20+ years ago) and I've installed a few systems based on GeoVision cards for a few local places in the past few years, although it's not my main income I'm considering adding it to my business and promoting it.

The reason for joining the forum is to learn and possibly help others (Network engineer, firewall configuration, VPN, remote access etc..)


its cold here to, in the north east, hello and welcome :cold2:

Kevin Scott. Owner of KK Alarms...... Installation .. Service .. Repair ...... Thoughout.. Northumberland and North Tyneside ..... Tel:01670 361948 (call diverted after 15 seconds) or 07947444114


Welcome Clint,

I was in Manchester today.

The flame froze on my zippo...

I went up into the attic...I found a Stradavarius & a Picasso. Unfortunately.....

Stradavarius couldn't paint, and Picasso made a shocking fiddle.

My Facebook page...http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=1279556853&ref=name


It's freezing in Alarmguardland .... so I hate to think what it must be like up north




PM me for access to the SSAIB members discussion area.


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