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Fire Alarm Testing


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My brother contacted me with a concern he has in relation to the testing of the fire alarm in his place of work.

Every friday at 11 am the fire alarm is sounded for a few seconds. Now they get an email prior to testing to tell them that it is just a test, but who reads emails

His concern and mine too is that people will become immune to this and in the event of a real fire will ignore it with tragic consequences.

Does he have a valid point and should the tests be done out of office hours


no the RRO is very clear on the occupants hearing the alarm.

it's std practice and TBH most places I know simply advise it will be tested at e.g. 11am Fri.

they don't send e-mail, memos make PA's every week about it as it's routine.

if the RRO don't apply where you are something simislar probably does.


Chorlton is quite correct, I think I am right in saying that BS5839 also states that it should be done during occupancy and that if more than one shift is operting that it should be done once a week for each shift.

My clients are advised to do it same time every week for just a few seconds, the staff should be instructed that if the alarm sounds for a longer duration than normal to treat it as an evacuation, I also recommend that staff are requested to report back to the responsible person if they didnt here the alarms in there section.

The weekly test is more than just a test of the equipment it is an oppurtunity for staff to be familiar with the sound of the fire alarm.


Tested once a week at the same time.

Maximum duration one minute.

If there is shift pattern that means that certain workers are not on site at that time (ie - permanent nights) then there should be a further monthly test for these workers.

The purpose of the test is to make the staff aware of what the fire alarm sounds like.


No probs

From BS 5839-1:2002+A2:2008

44.2 Recommendations for weekly testing by the user

When testing the fire detection system, there may be a need to isolate ancillary outputs.

The following recommendations apply:

a) Every week, a manual call point should be operated during normal working hours. It should be confirmed that the control equipment is capable of processing a fire alarm signal and providing an output to fire alarm sounders, and to ensure that the fire alarm signal is correctly received at any alarm receiving centre to which fire alarm signals are transmitted. It is not necessary to confirm that all fire alarm sounder circuits operate correctly at the time of this test.

NOTE 1 It is essential that any alarm receiving centre is contacted immediately before, and immediately after, the weekly test

to ensure that unwanted alarms are avoided and that fire alarm signals are correctly received at the alarm receiving centre.

NOTE 2 The user needs to take account of the manufacturer


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