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Alarm Companies

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Just a little post to see how the industry is across the country.

Is anyone making lots of money from their businesses?

Our main competitor (approx 5000 systems) is not doing bad but they are hardly in the ferrari and mansion terriotry.

Just seems to me that it takes a lot of years to build up a moderate income by the time vans, engs and premises have been paid for?

We used to hear of companies being bought for 1mil by //.National Installer.// a few years ago and just wondered if anyone knows of such people who have retired by selling up?

It is getting increasingly apparant that alarm companies are going in cheaper and cheaper just to get the boxes up.

Should we not have a similar price structure or min price to help each other?

We did some market research a year ago and //.National Installer.// were quoting £650 for four PIRS and two DOORS, this is the figure we should all be quoting i reckon as it is a fair price for the work carried out but in our area (SWest) it seems most firms are about £100-150 less!?

Interesting to hear your comments


PG Security Systems


SSAIB Certificate of Merit Installers.


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Should we not have a similar price structure or min price to help each other?

That would be a cartel and a go to jail card!

£650 for a simple job like that would be great but around here (Cleveland) it would be nearer £400.00 without comms.

There is loads of work about though, I would say the last four or five years have been very busy.

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Guest HomeSecurityServicesUK

I`ve seen an advert ,for a 3 PIR system 2 contacts and a PAB, get this fully fitted for £150.00. I hope Im wrong, but surely this cant be a good quality install or good quality equipement. But convince your customer when you go in at £ 450 to £ 500. that your system is correctly installed , good quality parts and YOU will come back if there are any probs. Its a tough one.......Though I have to say those we convince are happy.........and those we dont are usually sick as a chip when they wake up the neighbourhood at 3.00am twice a week.

At £150 per fit I couldnt even covwer my over heads (insurances, wages, fuel, etc)

P.S. Matchbox are sending my porsche next week

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Installers like that come and go. There was one around here who advertised alarms installed from £139.

I have seen quite a few of their systems and they are rough. **** panel, **** PIRs, just a sentra bell box with a sound bomb in and no after sales - they would just fob people off.

Word soon gets round and these sort of installers dont last long.

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I agree totally but the firm in question is NSI gold and has been going for 20 years!

Reading the trade mags they are reporting the same trend that some NSI golds are going bust due to the low prices and installs just to get the service contracts.

I just think that the trade is very much under valued.


PG Security Systems


SSAIB Certificate of Merit Installers.


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We have the same problem up here in Manchester.

A company installing systems for £150, 3 a day. Took one over once, never seen anything like it in my life.

4 core everywhere, including PIRs, no global tampers, no tamper switch on the bell, certainly no SAB.

Got to credit him though, sold his systems to thousands of people, most of them probably non the wiser that the average burglar armed with pliers/cutters could of silienced the system within seconds.

It makes me so mad that customers say they can get a system of a quarter the price I charge, go there I say.

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Guest Andyp

Quality should take priority all of the time. See my 'rant' in the Rants and Raves area from a few weeks ago.!!


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I just installed a new system to a customer yesterday who only paid £199 for her alarm a year ago and yes it was a total cowboy job 4 core everywhere including the bell and not a tamper curcuit in sight. The couple were older and wanted to be able to sleep at night and not worry when they go out. When i told them the alarm was total ****(a little tactfull though) they must of thought i was trying to con them as the system was only a year old.

There were zones linked out as well as using second hand batterys (this battery was well old no wonder i got called out after a power cut).

if only the customer knew when they installed it.


Houston Security Systems Ltd

Intruder alarms


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SSAIB Approved

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Well I dont advertise nor do I have fancey letter heads. Ile use a system to the customers budget well within reason and I do beleive my wiring is upto scratch in the customers that is LOL. Its like a carpenter when he has been at work most of the day and the wife whants fitted kitchen lol. And I can still come in at a reasonable price.

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Its like a carpenter when he has been at work most of the day and the wife whants fitted kitchen lol. And I can still come in at a reasonable price.

Didn't know that you did kitchens Alistar ;)

:lol: Colin.

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