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Cctv For Taxi Installation

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I want to install a reasonable quality cctv system in my black cab and am somewhat bewildered by the range of different cameras that I have either been quoted for Or have found for sale on the internet.

I would like to have a couple of internal cameras to monitor passengers in the rear, and an internal camera mounted so as to view the road ahead and behind the taxi

There seems to be lots of cameras that look identical, seem to have similar specs yet vary so much in price dependant on where theyre offered for sale or who's quoting for them.

A couple of things that I've been told/advised that I'd like seek opinion/advice on,

I want/need as high a resolution as possible for best picture quality ?

Whats the advantage of pinhole cameras ? (Do I understand correctly that they give the best depth of field and is that the reason for fitting)

Do I really need colour cameras or is high resolution b/w good enough for clear identification of a person ?

There's a couple of cameras I like the look of like the one shown here http://www.icode.co.uk/icatcher/cctvshop/g...mera-p-106.html and wonder what is the advantage/disadvantages of body type cameras over say bullet cams or other types

Any input gladly welcomed

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How about recording the images as well. Might help!

This might be what your looking for http://www.y3k.com/cart.php

Hope this helps.


thank you for the input

I have the recording aspect sorted out, and I can find plenty of sites selling cameras, my posting (I thought) was fairly clear in so far as i asked for advice/input regarding the many types/prices of cameras that I have already found via t'internet.

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my posting (I thought) was fairly clear in so far as i asked for advice/input regarding the many types/prices of cameras that I have already found via t'internet.

Get something that looks reasonably vandal-resist and not less than 480tvl if possible.

There's a reasonable dome camera on that site for about

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thank you for the input

I have the recording aspect sorted out, and I can find plenty of sites selling cameras, my posting (I thought) was fairly clear in so far as i asked for advice/input regarding the many types/prices of cameras that I have already found via t'internet.

you were clear fella no doubt about that, sometimes topics go astray a little, sorry.

The only camera I've got is on my phone so I'm no help but maybe another member with hands on experience of these type systems can give you some good advice soon enough. Not everyone visits us daily so give it a few days/week if you can.

Off topic but how did the city centre protest go the other week, any result?



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Guest old-hand
thank you for the input

I have the recording aspect sorted out, and I can find plenty of sites selling cameras, my posting (I thought) was fairly clear in so far as i asked for advice/input regarding the many types/prices of cameras that I have already found via t'internet.

Well bullet ones would be better for a taxi, as they are less obtrusive.

Lighting could and indeed would be an issue, so low lux versions and black and white are a better option.

Perhaps even mini domes to stop the punters ripping them off the "walls".

If your a licensed taxi driver look at your local rental garage they have them set up already.

Hope this is clearer for you.

Off topic but how did the city centre protest go the other week, any result?



Went great, stuffed up my afternoon.

Taxi`s have a monopoly, use bus lanes cut up motorcycles and want double time.

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