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Help With Controlling Ptz For Kalatel Cyber Domes


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Hello there, I have recently acquired several of what I believe to be kalatel cyber dome ptz camera's and could do with a leg up on the right route to finding complete info on the protocol's etc and how they work in full.

Two of them I have here in front of me now and I will add a couple of close-up photo's to this post.

I believe they are well worth reverse engineering since I have looked up the prices of them and the cameras they contain and have also obviously had a play with them and found them to have superb image quality.

The camera's here are a sony FCB-EX480BP and a sony FCB-EX780BP.

The control board connection modules are rs422 kalatel also, can these be connected to rs485 serial port for control either by the 16 channel dedicated dvr unit I also have or by my pc with some software for test purposes?

Any information to save me some time would be appreciated, most importantly after their protocol type/baud rates and a dip switch layout explanation, I assume this is for among other things setting the cameras address??




To give you an idea of my experience level so you can filter any answers you may be able to give me I am a 35 year old electrical contractor with no previous commercial experience in cctv but have a fairly good understanding with regards to anything computer hardware related. I am not qualified in any sort of electronics but I dabble so to speak. I was born with a soldering iron in one hand and a microscope in the other and I consider myself fairly competent in surface mount rework and have a knack for diagnosing electrical misnoma's that others have failed to find before me. Which is how I end up with quite a lot of equipment for virtually pence.

These camera's were not gained in that way however, they don't belong to me but I have been asked to "do my stuff" with them and help with installation once I have them sorted.

Thank you in advance to anyone who is able to help me with this and please do ask me if there is any further information needed from me to make the job easier.

I can take better photo's of any particular area's if needed, just say the word.

Thank you



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I have just accidentally stumbled upon the protocol/baud rate etc using a program called PTZcontroller and a few well placed guesses and probably a fair bit of luck considering the possible number of attempts it could have taken me since I have no idea which camera is set to what address.

They are Pelco-D 2400 baud rate.

So now my main question has to be what if any is the default password for the cameras menu system activated on the ptz menu function?

or how can they be reset on the unit?

tried several possible basic combinations like 0000 and 1111 and 0123 etc but to no avail.



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