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The last time we were called out by the local authority the bill for the customer totalled over £250.00

There was a little army of people - Local authority, police, alarm engineer and locksmith.

The local authority had to have it ok'd by a magistrate

I had one of those too. By the time everyone had congregated for the shutdown, the alarm had of course ran down and stopped. If the alarm has indeed stopped, the police will not authorise the door of premises to be kicked in. instead, opting for the 'scratch the head for a bit and wonder what to do next' stance. In my case, the house had an external electricity meter where the master fuse had been pulled out and slung on the floor.

The police insisted the alarm had to be making a noise in order for us all to proceed. I picked up the fuse, plugged it back in, the alarm sounded for 5 seconds, the police then gave the go-ahead, the council carpenter kicked the door in, I raced to the panel and entered the factory user code. The thing actually stopped. The Environmental health officer still ordered for the bell to be permanently disconnected even though the alarm was silenced.

Over 1000 alarms later, never been called on a situation like that since.


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While on call I got a phone call from an environmental health officer wanting me to silence a bell with our name on it. The premises was an old unused shop with no occupants, no service contract etc. I asked him that if Dixons supplied a stereo to somebody, would they be responsible if it was playing at full volume at 3am? Anyway I said I wouldnt do anything unless he gave me it in writing that the council would be responsible for all charges and any repercussions.

I never did go to that call!

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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PS if u touch that bell u can get done for criminal damage!

Even if ur neighbours do give u a medal.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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it stopped just as my blood pressure was going off the scale

Thought your blood pressure was always off the scale Gaz :lol:



Service Engineer and all round nice bloke :-)

The views above are mine and NOT those of my employer.

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