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Traditional bell in ADT Bell box

Guest Jlo

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Guest alarmingdave

Yep i pulled an //.National Installer.// box down today it to was a bell, not a big fan i have to say was on a pretty noisy industrial estate near a busy road and didn't seem very effective in it enviroment.

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Yep i pulled an //.National Installer.// box down today it to was a bell, not a big fan i have to say was on a pretty noisy industrial estate near a busy road and didn't seem very effective in it enviroment.

EH!! :blink:

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Guest alarmingdave
Yep i pulled an //.National Installer.// box down today it to was a bell, not a big fan i have to say was on a pretty noisy industrial estate near a busy road and didn't seem very effective in it enviroment.

EH!! :blink:

Not sure why the EH remark ???

The system was quite old had an old Scanny 9100 and C&K DT420's fitted but quite recently has had a bell box replaced. due to a break in according to the customer.

We stood on the opposite side of the road and couldn't hear the bell sounding at all due to the noise from other factories and passing vehicles a point proven over the weekend when the place was completely turned over and the factories across the road never heard a thing despite the bell ringing away for 20 minutes.

Never been a huge fan of bell's we were fitting Friedland master bells 10-20 years ago but the were never as effective or relieable as a normal horn sounder but thats just my opinion of course ;)

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a point proven over the weekend when the place was completely turned over and the factories across the road never heard a thing despite the bell ringing away for 20 minutes.

no signalling :o

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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a point proven over the weekend when the place was completely turned over and the factories across the road never heard a thing despite the bell ringing away for 20 minutes.

no signalling 

Serves them right then ;)

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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The reason for the bell in the //.National Installer.// box is cerain. When Re-branding of Modern took place the engineers were required to replace the Modeern box with an elmdene electronic sounder. For this work an engineer was given a modest couple of quid extra. What became apparent is that the new cover was a direct replacement for the Modern bell back plate and therefore the money came quicker. The problem was then what to do with all the Elmdene sounders. We had approxamatly 60 of these units offered to us by the finder and thus came across this story.


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Guest sonic.youth

ha ha ha ha :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

what a load of s****,please please think before speaking,they say a little knowledge is dangerous,in your case its lethal!!!!!the cover has never changed,the siren as apposed to the bell used basically the same cover,bar the inside to keep the additional tamper switch closed on the euro bell,we were not instructed to replace any other sounder with a bell or siren,the choice was at the engineers choice or fit the bell or siren cover to what was in place at the time if a bell was fitted fit a bell cover,if a siren was fitted fit a siren cover,also you fail to mention replacement of //.National Installer.// modern covers,yes the white ones,and these were also FREE to the customer often replacing old sounders...

please get your facts right :angry::angry:

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Guest sonic.youth
Wasn't on signalling when we took the system over, it is now  :D  ;)


wow,so your the guy that offers this new signalling stuff??me and my buddies still deliver telegrams!,you may of heard of us were called //.National Installer.// and use telegrams to deliver messages,those damm pigeons are unreliable,i have this design for a call box but think its too 19th century,so this signalling thing how does it get there do you use men or horses?its seems a long way to send a message please let me know how you do it,coz me and my friends are soooo excited <_<<_<

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Guest sonic.youth
Most //.National Installer.// box,s down south seem to be empty decoys nowadays.

The American 1st Alert scheme is still very much alive.


seem!!!!! as in how?????

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