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Exisintg Cctv Help & Identification


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Hi Everyone,

Brief introduction - I'm a partner in a small business and have moved this week to smaller premises (10000 sq ft down to 2000 sq ft) in a bid to keep our business going during such difficult trading times. We used to manufacturer uPVC windows etc, but have closed our production plant to reduce overheads etc.

The new premises have remnants of an alarm/CCTV installtion with BT Redcare and remote CCTV monitoring. Some of the kit has been left behind and I have been trying to make use of the existing cameras only. I know that a call to the original installer would be wise, but we desperately need to stop spending money at this time.

I am using a PC with DVR card and have 3 out of 4 of the existing CCTV cameras working. I can't get the fouth to work, but it appears to be a PTZ camera and if I've followed the cabling correctly it seems to terminate in a huge multiway connector with a birds nest of multi coloured wiring. There is also an ADPRO control panel and it has been connected at some point to an ISDN line.

I don't know if you'd want to help a non trade member, but if I took photo's of all the kit and posted them, is it likely that someone might be able to help? I don't want to get the remote stuff working, just make use of the PTZ camera, but the wiring is a bit daunting.

Many thanks

Mark Sullivan

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By all means post some photos, I'm sure someone will help you, but I doubt you will get control of your PTZ via the PCI card in your computer. You can probably get a picture off it no problem, it may be just isolated at the power supply adjacent the camera, or it could be something more involved...

Trade Member

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Hi k2sul, welcome to the forum.

The wiring for the PTZ camera probably looks a lot worse than it actually is ....

You haven't mentioned whether you have the control unit for the PTZ; quite useful if you want to move the camera around :D

If you have any makes / model numbers that would also be helpful, but the chances are, if it's a few years old and the one and only PTZ in the system, it may possible be a direct drive camera, hence the large multipole connector.

Whatever information you can provide will no doubt help to get you going, assuming of course the camera is serviceable ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

Just a diffrent thought, depending what ADPRO unit is installed, you might be able to connect everything to the adpro (including the PTZ) and then connect to the ADPRO using the PC and video central lite (free Adpro software) via the LAN. You would then have control of the ptz and have access to all cameras connected.

If you can find out what ADPRO and dome/ptz it is then im sure i can point you in the right direction.



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