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Domestic Standalone Dvr Advice Please


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Hi To all out there

I am new to all this cctv and securtiy stuff and iI feel a little over my head but I need help with an issue I have and wondered if anyone could recomend equipment to me and give advice.

The problem I am having is I have lived in a quite village for three years with no problems at all and have two very good neighbours either side of me - however there is a residential caravan park at the back of me and someone new has just moved into the end caravan and keeps complaining about my dog barking. I have even been sent a letter from the council telling me if I do not take action they will have to take measure???. The dog I have is an akita and I could count how many times he has barked in 3 years on one hand - they are almost a silent breed. I have spoken to my good neighbours and they have said that they have never heard him barking and both are at home all day.

So what I would like to do is set up a standalone dvr to record the dog run at all times thus proving that this bloke is just picking on me for some reason.

I have been looking at dvr's and I am a bit lost so I could do with a couple of recommendation - I want a dvr that has aleast two audio in, and has internet access with good recording frame rate - that can take up to 4 cameras and will not brake the bank.

Has anyone got any recommentations on domestic dvr's???

Can anyone help me

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those people will allways find something to complain about. next thing will be brb that u have to high fence and blocking sun to caravn park.

Hi To all out there

I am new to all this cctv and securtiy stuff and iI feel a little over my head but I need help with an issue I have and wondered if anyone could recomend equipment to me and give advice.

The problem I am having is I have lived in a quite village for three years with no problems at all and have two very good neighbours either side of me - however there is a residential caravan park at the back of me and someone new has just moved into the end caravan and keeps complaining about my dog barking. I have even been sent a letter from the council telling me if I do not take action they will have to take measure???. The dog I have is an akita and I could count how many times he has barked in 3 years on one hand - they are almost a silent breed. I have spoken to my good neighbours and they have said that they have never heard him barking and both are at home all day.

So what I would like to do is set up a standalone dvr to record the dog run at all times thus proving that this bloke is just picking on me for some reason.

I have been looking at dvr's and I am a bit lost so I could do with a couple of recommendation - I want a dvr that has aleast two audio in, and has internet access with good recording frame rate - that can take up to 4 cameras and will not brake the bank.

Has anyone got any recommentations on domestic dvr's???

Can anyone help me

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  • 1 year later...

simplest surely, board the dog out for a month or so, if they don't complain during that time perhapas they have a point. otherwise if they do again complain about 'your' dog barking while away - show them the kennel receipt and explain can't be YOUR dog, and the dog don't do ventriloquism

the issue with using a DVR, searching recordings based on sounds rather than movement will be fairly hard work, perhaps get a noise activated recorder (Ebay), then it will record any sound made and prove the point either way.

alternatively, there are training collars that give troublesome barking dogs a harmless squirt of air when it barks, i'd fit one and see how much gas it uses over a week, might just be your normally placid quiet dog, pines when you go out (as many dogs do).


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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If you can bear to talk them, get the pikey to make a note of the time and date of the dog noises and that way you would heave a head start when searching on the dvr in the future.

option 1: Go round to the pikeys yard and do him in.

option 2: Get the dog put down.

option 3: Let the pikey put the dog down to save on costs and neighbour relations.

option 4: Get a cheapy four channel dvr from Maplins (do the job just fine).

option 5: Ignore me and take advice from the other guys!

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