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Alien Dvr Player On Screen Vanished!


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Ok. Let's test a few things from the pc side. If still advise getting an engineer in. Which but of London are you?

How do you connect to the recorder. I can are you use internet explorer. But what address did you use to connect.

Also has anything else changed, new broadband, any work done before it failed.

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The con man who instaklled it went with the CD, also the Remote Control. I rang the Company and asked them for another and they said i could down load from the Internet.

Thanks, there is a Network light on but it is very pale. The Power and Ready buttons are bight the Record occsionally flashes red.

I do not get even a Log in screen, and yes i am using Internet explorer, Windows XP which is what i have always been using

Could it have been glitched by a Microsoft Update? If ao what do I do?

The network light is not blinding but should be easily noticeable if connected to your router/switch, when accessed it should flash quickly.

You need first to prove the dvr is working that's easier with a screen attached (as I mentioned above) to confirm.

Log I'n using the mouse and go to network screen, look at the ip address. Will usually be from factory but may have been altered when installed to match your router settings.

Whatever is there type it into explorers message bar, you may need to allow runnning actibex do so, that request confirms the dvr is on the network and connected, or you should now see the login screen.

Post what area you are in, some one then may offer to help but you will have to trust them if you can't resolve it, and we understand your reluctance.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Ruddy spell checker :)

you may need to run an activex app but not mandatory as it should alread be on your PC.

If possible post some pictures or the work, we can then help to assess what needs doing.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Can you clarify a few things, which may help identify the solution:

"Suddenly the screen has vanished"; Was the DVR screen on the computer left on continuously and when you checked the screen had disappeared? or the Icon you clicked on to open the DVR application has vanished or a shortcut on your desktop or ? A step by step guide to how you normally accessed the DVR would be very useful and any error messages that are now shown.

You mentioned IPPowerVision and Internet explorer, these are two different methods of accessing the DVR, which were you using or have you tried both to access the DVR?

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As earlier said, unit comes with client software, this has a licence number printed on the cd. I think you might have downloaded a viewer used for evidence (a codec).

Replacement cd's can be supplied but there is a high charge from supplier who is trade only, to avoid that you can continue to use IE (or maybe Safari on the mac with some juggling).

If you have a smart phone(runs java apps i. E. Windows mob, some Nokia's, some blackberrys and iPhone) many on here including me who can configure remote viewing for you to your phone.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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I'd suggest 1st find a folder on your computer marked "alien dvr" or similar. within it should be client software & manuals on how to use dvr.

try using search facility on computer & see what turns up.

(without taking micky, i assume you dont mean the icon on your main screen has disappeared?)

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Thanks but when the original installer went AWOL in the middle of it all, of course i tried along with several others to track him down. As i was totally bed bound at the time ( I am disabled) he obvioulsy thought i was a mug who he could con) i used him in Good Faith as after several people came and looked at the possibility of installation, he assured me that he was capable and experienced.

It is over a year and the actual Manafactures were not really helpful when i asked them to give me the name of someone who could come and help.

I will try system restore, but i was afraid i might lose data. i also still need someone to come and 'finish off the job', ie tidy up the wires, show me how to work it properly. You say there are pleanty of peoplein Central London but having been conned once i am worried. So if anyone can recommend someone?

Hi Kate.

From our records you asked for an installers details back in June 2009 to remedy a poor install by your original installer. We gave you details of several CCTV companies close to your address.

Subsequently, we talked you through reinstalling the software yourself.

We have another request from you for help and our IT support department has sent you self help guides and again suggested that you use a local IT technician or Suitable CCTV installer to re-commission the software on your PC.

If you are very dependant on this system I would strongly suggest that you give out the first part of your postcode on this website and ask installers to contact you directly and invite offers to give you a maintenance contract with the System.


System Q Ltd.

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Hi Kate.

From our records you asked for an installers details back in June 2009 to remedy a poor install by your original installer. We gave you details of several CCTV companies close to your address.

Subsequently, we talked you through reinstalling the software yourself.

We have another request from you for help and our IT support department has sent you self help guides and again suggested that you use a local IT technician or Suitable CCTV installer to re-commission the software on your PC.

If you are very dependant on this system I would strongly suggest that you give out the first part of your postcode on this website and ask installers to contact you directly and invite offers to give you a maintenance contract with the System.


Kate has not been back on (only 4 posts), so assume she has decided not to make further contact or sorted it out herself,

she knows where we are if she needs help.

tbh did not think SQ would ever be off hand, even though your trade only Paul.

btw the Ipode4 App = SWEET! :), love the snap shot feature, bags of fun in its own right lol!


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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