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Connect Informa Speech Dialer


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Hi Going to connect an Informa Speech dialer to my Scantronic 9651 panel

we work 5 minutes from home so its just a little extra security.

It can only be connected as (Bells only ) and in the manual I've got

these connections

Comtrol Panel Informa

Bell B- ------------IP1



SET ---------------INH

and in the Panel I've got

OP1 OP2 OP3 TR + -


Manual says connect on bells only to bell output in this case that would be OP1 were is the 2nd core of the dialer connected to ??????? or does it not matter.

Thanks for any advise



depends, I don't know this dial unit, but most have several inputs. You can use one for your alarm and say another for a bilge pump,so just an optional trigger used as you see fit


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!


depends, I don't know this dial unit, but most have several inputs. You can use one for your alarm and say another for a bilge pump,so just an optional trigger used as you see fit


So If I just connect to the bell output power suply that all......... the second cable core is'nt used



Nope but if your on a boat i`d insulate it.


So If I just connect to the bell output power suply that all......... the second cable core is'nt used


think we perhaps need to clarify for the eagertollearn a bit more of the basics before total confussion sets in :).

'bell' is an old term that still survives, dates back to 1st alarm systems when we actually used bells. today we use sirens.

the 'bell' output is not the same as the 'bell' supply. in the control panel there are marked terminals best to refer to your engineer manual for clarification,

for simplicity and so you better understand, the dialler needs 12 volts to power it (taken from the 'bell' or auxillary supply in the panel) or nothing is going to works.

if you then simply connected a link from the negative (-) power in terminal, then touched it onto an iput, that input will then operate and dial out.

so if you connect the the 'bell' output to your selected input, hook in the telephone line and wallah!

(some bloke in an annoying Idian call centere gets a call lol!).

good luck with it, as they can be frustrating (the diller that is ; ).


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!


dont mess with the bell output etc, too much poss agg, totally unnecessary, and far easier & more pro way of doing it.

Use the molex plug that comes with the panel. wire the yellow & orange wires directly to trigger inputs on dialler (for pa & intruder). Panel is pre programmed so no need to change anything (except poss the trigger polarity if dialler not -ve & dont use informer so not 100%, but surprised if dont).

also will need 12v to power informer, would prefer off aux 12v.


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