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Help With Alarm System.... Please Read...


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weve got some friends that have gone abroad for 2 weeks and we have to go into their house and un arm the alarm close/open the blinds turn some of the lights on/off, the arm the system again.

however when i went in today this is what happend:

i unlocked the door...

the keypad started to beep as normal so i entered the code...

as i was entering the code the keypad started to beep differently and the screen read something like 'burglar lounge A' and the warning light came on...

so i entered the code again and the keypad stopped beeping...

then it went back to the time and the date on the screen as normal but the warning light was on...

then i armed the system again 'entered the code and pressed A' as normal... (the warning light was still on when i did this)

then the keypad started beeping as normal so i walked out, shut the door and locked it then the keypad sounded a long beep saying its armed...

so thats everything i did.

no one was in the lounge at the time all doors/windows were shut.

why did the keypad beep differently when i entered the code?

why did the warning light come on?

why did it say there was a burglar in the lounge?

what should i do when i go in there tomorrow?

what was wrong with it?

the keypad is a scantronic 9651EN

thankyou for your time.


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Several possibles, to long entering code, lounge door iopen so 'see' you through it, the increased volume from the keypad may mean you did not hear the external siren etc.

Why are you switching lights? plug in auto timers with random operation dusk till Dawn are 3 for £10 in B&Q


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Another reason, lounge detector may have triggered since last the system had been set,

Ensure all windows are fully closed that uncludes small vents on night latch. and doors preferably secured closed to reduce fire spread, or if design requires are held open.

The shinny surfaces act like mirrors to pirs, door moves fools detector that warmer surfaces have moved.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Several possibles, to long entering code, lounge door iopen so 'see' you through it, the increased volume from the keypad may mean you did not hear the external siren etc.

Why are you switching lights? plug in auto timers with random operation dusk till Dawn are 3 for £10 in B&Q


thanks for answering Arfur :)

i dont know why they dont have auto timers

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Maybe the system activated and something was stolen, or it activated and they ran off.

Thats one thing you do not mention, did you check the property for a possible break in?

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Maybe the system activated and something was stolen, or it activated and they ran off.

Thats one thing you do not mention, did you check the property for a possible break in?

yeah i checked and everything seemed in place

but ill double check tomorrow jus in case

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