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Best Pet Immune Pir?...


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hey guys,

not sure if im posting this in the right bit...

but heres a quick question

what are the best pet immune pirs?

if you have 2 cats that move around alot what are the best pet immune pirs that wont cause ant false alarms of the cats moving around the house when the system is armed.

also do pet immune pirs detect the post coming through the door?, if no what type of pir would be used in such a scenario

many thanks cheers

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I use Risco detectors, I had a dotty rotty never triggered them. Clients with cats have been fine so far, but care with where you site is important.

Where more than one cat, especially younge one's if they fight or even just play they will often climb drapes for instance, just have to think it through about placing detector close to them.


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I assume you have stairs, what ever you do keep the PIR from looking at them, cos the cats will be up and down like a yoyo.

Even looking away will still be a possible source of a problem.

As for post, should be okay, the letters will be colder than the interior for one.

Enough to be ignored if the pulse count is set to medium/high.

Which in all probability it will be if set for non pet detection.

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:rolleyes:should have covered the letter box, but was posting from phone

it will depend on several factors, if the pir is facing the door, is there a storm porche, the size of the hall and how warm/cold it is, also if the posty struggles to force a slightly to large parcel, or loads of letters through it at this time of year.

end of the day, the detector is looking for a sudden change in temperature that is also moving, so a cold thermal on a particularly cold day, passing through the letter box into a warmer than usual lobby, can affect even Pet Immune pirs, if possible a large mail box covering the letterbox is a good precaution.

you can get dual-tec pet immune, given the above examples you can better decide if you should go with a bit more expensive detector/s, i would definately use dual-tec pet imune in garage for instance, due to drafts, rodents and wildlife.

whatever yo do you need to advise the client that to enable the cats to move about, the detectors effectiveness will be reduuced, and may not trip the alarm just to cover yourself, but also exsplain it is better to have some detection than none at all.


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Just a couple of know facts to let you decide.

So, if you have a specific detection range in mind, you should adjust the sensitivity to compensate for potential temperature changes. As in adjust the sensitivity/ range/pulse count.

As target and ambient temperatures become equal, the PIR sensor may no longer be able to detect a target. So using the above mail should not be an issue.

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adjusting range on a pir can be a bit tricky these days, there is no 'pot' as used to be on MWDs etc,

for pet immune pir's you slide the pcb down to the marked 'pet/long' marking (which moves the zones of detection up), and above the height of the pets, so they can then walk underneath it (the makers pamphlet shoud show you in clearer details).

some angle the casing up but it looks 'naff', masking the lower lens would be a better way, if it has a look down zone (small window facing own) you might find if you do get false alarms that is better if masked off, especailly for thr post box issues.

the modern PET Immune detector has intellegent movement pattern refference, a human, the heat is immited form the head so the heat source is higher than of pet's, but the software also looks for the movement pattern, an intruder will make short often darting movements as he collects items, while pet will usually walk/run but in a straight line then bounce in front of the door or window. the algorythme used decides if its an intruder or not.

using double or wose treble knock will seriously reduce the 'catch' ability, use only with extreme caution, and only then if nothing else can be done - which is rare.

depends on so many conditions, in times like the current cold weather, if coupled with a strong wind you may still get a false alarm from bigger mail deliveries. Installing PET immune there is a taking of a calculated risk, on one hand the cats can move about, the other less protection offered

depends how often it happens and the value being protected which way you decide to lean.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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thanks alot for replying guys!

i doubt anything large will come through the letterbox, but a normal pet immune one should do.

when i do the walk test ill put something though the letter box and see if it tirggers an alarm, if it does ill mask up the bottom bit.

or maybe use a door contact instead in the hallway???

im either gonna get bosch PIRs for risco PIRs


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Very astute of you there I must say.

If you do mask just be careful, althoug we have all done it at some stage. Just think as a wrong doer would and try to get past it on a walk test.

Contacts on doors is good if you can get cables there easily. But make sure they lacth shut and cannot open. For false activations, or the lack of them.

Also and I have seen this, if not I would have not believed it, cats jump on handles and open doors!

Hate them personally, but we all differ.

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