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Cctv Footage


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typical case of wanting to much with one lens setting to front of house and veicle/s. you know it is someone in trousers and a dark jacket, i'm guessing a male by the gate of the walk, but as for evidential ID not a chance imho.

i'd guess the camera is owned by the white vehicle owner (because the ladders), and the other vehicle is either his or the partners. when he see's the footage, he is going to realise that camera is doing didly squat to protect vehicles let alone his tools and gear.

i know i'd be a bit embarrased - no, a lot embarresd, so hope he swaps it out or better adds another with a narrower lens to focus on his more expensive vehicles, not so much the cheapy grass :rolleyes: .


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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i'd guess the camera is owned by the white vehicle owner (because the ladders),

I guess the owner of the cammera is called steve *

* either I'm mystic or dipslaying the full address of property & company name is large hint :gimme:

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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All I could see was a fairly shadowy figure, not enough to ID whoever from it IMHO, unless caught nearby at the same time.

Camera might be intended more to watch the kids are safe playing on the lawn, or not to acudentslly open the door to the wifes mother ;).


Just looked at it again, might be the small screen on the phone but I can't see a name tbh Mr H. Was there another clip?


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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