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Feels Like Coldshire....


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today it was twating freezing, I spent part of the day outside doing cameras

I suspect my deicer (holts) is halal as I'm certian it contains no alcohol, I had to resort to using pepsi to return home,

The trees where all covered in frost, upvc frames & doors too, the internal brick work of single brick wall had ice on the inside!, the alloy ladders where frozen too!

Can't we have gobal warming back ?

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God


We recently bought a a focus cc3 (convertible version), when you unlock the windows drop about 15mm, same as modern mercs do, this weathers been fun for the wife with all the ice lol!

de-iced the van yesterday, windows refused to budge so unable to wind down to see at junctions. No sprayers even though I'd cleare the ice and gone 50/50 with anti freeze screen wash mix days ago.

Drove about 12 miles and to much muck now on windows, pulled over and sprayed screen with de-icer which instantly obliterated the screen by turning into thick ice.

Never seen anything like that before, yet to me it did not feel overly cold so there being no wind kept the chill factor down at least.

Noticed a big part of Hanningfiekd res iced over as I drove past, and that is a massive body of water.

Heard reports Northolt and Heathrow -14 @ 08:00 wow! One pundit was saying although we are getting hit, other parts of the world are a lot warmer than usual, so it balances out for global warming. But I remember, about 5 years ago another merchant of worldly woh saying 'UK would not see snow again because of global warming', why i don't trust they can forcast a storm in a tea cup half the time :).


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!


Even the washer bottle is frozen in the caddy - they could have put in anywhere in the engine bay and it would have been heated by the engine but instead its right at the bottom with a constant stream of freezing airflow as you drive along.

This is the sort of thing that annoys me.

Originally said by Charles Babbage
On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.


spent the afternoon in Scotch Corner hotel, never drove because I feel ***** with manflu. got home @ 19:00 to this...

it's now -13 and I am waiting for Autoglass to change my windscreen, reckon they will cancel as I cant see the bonding smegma they use curing in this.


Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


That's something I had no appreciated. Bonding the windows in this weather.

Wonder if the have a pop up tent and kind if safe space heater for these conditions? Usually I have had to take the vehicle to them, fook doing that with no windscreen in these temperatures :(.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

  On 21/12/2010 at 08:21, norman said:

spent the afternoon in Scotch Corner hotel, never drove because I feel ***** with manflu. got home @ 19:00 to this...

You checked into a hotel because you felt a bit ill? If that isnt the very definition of a big girls blouse then I dont know what is.

Originally said by Charles Babbage
On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.


lol, no I was there with work, I would usually drive there as I'm not a good passenger and hate others company talking about banal drivel I have no interest in.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

  On 21/12/2010 at 15:50, norman said:
and hate others company talking about banal drivel I have no interest in.

Oi, leave TSI out of it :P

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

  On 21/12/2010 at 15:50, norman said:

lol, no I was there with work, I would usually drive there as I'm not a good passenger and hate others company talking about banal drivel I have no interest in.

Reminds me had to go to Cromer in Norfolk from Fulham with a Chubb rep once.

Fell asleep in the passenegr seat there and back, hardly said a word. Same as you the worlds worse passenger!


346 miles done on Monday with the washer bottle frozen all the time.

Was grabbing snow off the roof and chucking it on the windscreen to keep it clear.

Once over Leeds & Sheffield way there was a lot less snow than over here. We have about 12 - 14" here.

Could be worse back in London over Xmas for some more work..Did i tell you lot how much i hate London :)


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