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Which Analytics\analysis Encoder?


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I am looking for any suggestions on which analytics \ analysis \ video motion detector system (where it draws a red box around humans) to go for? It is an analog camera system so once that is native would be best. I'm looking for the system with the best detection rates, features and useablity.

Thanks :)

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specifically around a human or to indicate movement?

motion sensing based on camera image can be affected by many factors, the way it works basically is the software detects changes in the pixels, so say a sunny day with fast moving clouds can cause activity detection, windy days and swaying trees or washing on the line.

it can be effective if set up and you accept exceptional times it will be erratic, never as good as a ful on intruder alarm system, to that end generally i advise get a good alarm 1st then spend on CCTv is my pov.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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I looked into this 18 months ago for a customer and the one which i remember is the xtralis presidium, there are some demos on the xtralis website. He couldnt afford it in the end, so went for some of the auto tracking samsung PTZ cameras, great in the day, but dogshit at night and in the snow.

Hope this helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

As said before it all depends on the application. The Adpro Presidium is a great bit of kit but it comes at a price, although you can get the presidium mini quite reasonably priced if its only for a couple of channels that require the VMD.

Having said that, ive not really seen a VMD system that can be installed cheaply, as if you are going down the route of true VMD then you sould be Spec'ing high end cameras and lenses and also ensure that the sites lighting is good (wheather that be white light or IR) as this is where VMD system will fail if installed with poor cameras and or poor lighting conditions.

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