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Which Remote Monitoring Hardware?


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Hello All,

Looking for some advice/expert opinions please.

My company have 15 analogue cameras recording to a 16 channel dvr.

We now require remote cctv monitoring.

We may also add some cameras in the future and would probably go Megapixel ip cameras then (for greater detail).

The options as I see them are:

1. Get an adpro/heitel/similar transmission unit to use with existing dvr and get a nvr if/when we are getting ip cameras at a later stage

2. Replace existing dvr with a hybrid machine like a geovision that has transmission capability

The questions are:

Which is the better solution?

ie. is it better to let the transmission unit do the job of transmitting and the recording unit do the recording or is there machines there that do an excellent job of both?

Which is better from a monitoring station point of view?

Which transmission units would you recommend?

Which hybrid video recorder with transmission capabilty would you recommend?

Thanking you in advance for your wisdom.

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currently this is my opinion

A transmitter (ie adpro) does a great job of transmission. However it is not a great recorder.

A recorder (ie DM) does a great job of recording, however it is not a great transmitter.

They way i do it is to use a dedicated transmitter for transmission, and then a dvr for recording.

I am however trialling something that does both well. However we are currently doing early live site trials with beta units. It will not be production ready for at least 6 months

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Hey guys

We need the site to be monitored by a remote monitoring centre 24/7.

We will be installing motion detectors and speakers etc.

It looks like dedicated transmitter like adpro or heitel is better solution for the arc to do their job?

If that's the case, which brand and which unit would you guys recommend?

Question 2.

If we were to change existing dvr for a hybrid, which unit would you recommend?

Question 3.

If we were to keep existing dvr and get a 8 channel nvr, which nvr unit would you recommend?

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Think we have to separate between what you will get from an adoor and what the client needs ti use it for.

For just general occasional viewing or checking if the line for the staff canteen is to long, most any budget kit will give good enough results, can vouch for GTEC gear as being more than acceptable for mundane observation, they wan't mid range performance then SysternQ would get my vote.

I know you will scream kit longevity at me, but technology is moving on so fast, swapping out a budget DVR every 3 years will have advantage of accessing that yet to be implemented, at a shorter period.

imho especially with cctv, it's not all about todays rock solid quality for the future reliability, more like avoiding being stuck with today's on cost paid, if you see what I mean?


You realy dont have any idea about offsite monitoring of CCTV advising some one to go out and buy a budget DVR and use remote viewing ... LOL

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